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Important update: The Air Pollution Control Division is currently transitioning to electronic forms. Please view the Electronic submission web page to see if the form you need is available electronically. If the form is not listed, please complete and submit the PDF version and submit via email or mail.
The new online submission tool is part of the division’s multi-year data modernization project. It involves updating, enhancing, and streamlining a variety of processes including permitting. The data modernization work is ongoing, and the division anticipates completing most of the transformation by 2027.
- Potential air permit and air pollutant emissions reporting fees increase. Learn more.
- Permit application rejection criteria - use Form APCD-100 to avoid incomplete permit applications. Learn more.
- New reasonably available control technology (RACT) requirements start January 2024. Learn more.
- New air monitoring requirements started July 2024. Learn More.
Effective Sept. 7, 2022 the division has updated its registration process for General Permits GP01, GP02, GP05, GP06, GP07, GP08, GP09, GP10 and GP11 to align with recent updates to the construction permitting process. Sources newly seeking coverage under a General Permit need to submit a demonstration of compliance with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) with the General Permit registration. Consistent with the updates, the Division has created a Permit Application/Registration checklist (Form APCD-100) for General Permit registrations. For more information on the modeling determination process and permit modeling, visit the Permit Modeling Unit web page.
Effective Aug. 1, 2023, in order for a General Permit registration to be considered complete, sources with any quantifiable amount of new emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), particulate matter (PM), or carbon monoxide (CO), must fill out APCD Form-114. Submit the form to the Permit Modeling Unit, provide the Permit Modeling Unit determination with the General Permit registration, and obtain a completeness determination from the division. If an applicant does not receive notification of a completeness determination from the division within 60-days of the division's receipt of the registration, the registration will be deemed complete.
View the "General Permit Registration Approval Process" terms within each general permit, which requires a complete registration before commencing construction.
If you have questions about this new process, you can contact the Oil and Gas Permit Unit at cdphe_apcd_airpermitcomments@state.co.us.
If you have specific questions about APCD Form-114, you can contact the Permit Modeling Unit at cdphe_apcd_modelingdeterminations@state.co.us.
Your application will be rejected if it is filled out incorrectly, is missing information, missing required forms, or lacks payment for the filing fee. The Form APCD-100 and all applicable forms on that checklist are required with every application. The re-submittal will require a new filing fee. See the Application Rejection Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.
The following application types are exempted from the requirement to submit the Permit Application/Registration Checklist (Form APCD-100):
- Air Pollutant Emission Notice (APEN) updates only (no changes to permit).
- Renewal of 5-year APEN term.
- Update to actual annual emissions, per AQCC Reg. 3, Part A, Section II.C.
- APEN exempt sources.
- Permit exempt sources.
- Administrative permit amendments.
- Including but not necessarily limited to name changes, changes in contact information, transfers of ownership, and typographical error corrections.
- General APEN Form APCD-200.
- Amine sweetening unit APEN Form APCD-206.
- Boilers APEN Form APCD-220.
- Condensate storage tank(s) APEN Form APCD-205.
- E&P Storage Tank APEN Addendum Form APCD-212.
- Crude oil storage tank(s) APEN Form APCD-210.
- E&P Storage Tank APEN Addendum Form APCD-212.
- Facility-Wide Greenhouse Gas Emissions APEN Form APCD-235.
- Fugitive component leak emissions APEN Form APCD-203.
- Gas venting APEN Form APCD-211.
- Glycol dehydration unit APEN Form APCD-202.
- Hydrocarbon liquid loading APEN Form APCD-208.
- Produced water storage tank(s) APEN Form APCD-207.
- E&P Storage Tank APEN Addendum Form APCD-212.
- Routine or predictable gas venting APEN Form APCD-213.
- Routine or predictable gas venting APEN Addendum Form APCD-215.
- Spark ignition engine APEN.
- Compression ignition engine APEN Form APCD-233.
- NSPS IIII Addendum Form for Diesel Engines Form APCD-214.
- Well production facility APEN Form APCD-216.
- APEN and permit applicability resources.
- Introduction to APENs video.
- Detailed guidance for calculating your emissions.
- APEN/permit threshold table.
- Ozone non-attainment area boundaries.
- Common APEN or air permit exemptions.
- APEN update guidance.
- Emissions Calculation manual.
- Emissions Calculations & Regulatory Analysis workbook.
- APCD-100: Permit application completeness checklist.
- APCD-101: Company contact information.
- APCD-102: Facility emissions inventory.
- APCD-105: COGCC 805 Series rule requirements.
- APCD-216: Application for GP09 and GP10 registration.
- Alternative emissions control device request form.
- PS Memos Permitting guidance memos.
- Alternate operating scenario (AOS) for engines.
- APCD-103: Notice of startup.
- Visit the Electronic submission web page for more information and to submit the form online.
- APCD-104: Permit transfer of ownership.
- APCD-106: Company name change.
- APCD-107: Cancellation request.
- Relocation notice for portable sources.
- Self-certification forms.
- Guidance and information for administrative forms
General permit application and fee information.
- GP01 Condensate storage tanks.
- GP02 Natural gas-fired internal combustion engines, at oil & gas facilities only.
- GP03 Land Development.
- GP05 Produced water storage tanks.
- GP06 Diesel-fired engines.
- GP07 Hydrocarbon liquid loadout at oil & gas facilities.
- GP08 Oil & gas industry storage tanks (condensate, crude oil and produced water).
- GP09 Oil & gas well production facilities.
- GP10 Oil & gas well production facilities.
- GP11 Oil & gas routine or predictable gas venting.
On November 14, 2022 the Air Pollution Control Division issued revised versions of Operating and Maintenance Plan Templates for the following sources: Amine Sweetening Systems; Condensate, Crude Oil, and/or Produced Water Storage Tanks; Glycol Dehydration Systems, Hydrocarbon Liquid Loadout, Natural Gas-driven Pneumatic Pumps, Process Flares or Emergency Flares, Natural Gas Fired Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines, and Separators.
The changes made to the Operating and Maintenance Plan Templates include, but are not limited to:
- Consolidation of Forms APCD-304: Condensate Storage Tanks, APCD-307: Produced water storage tanks, and APCD-308: Crude oil storage tanks into a single template - APCD-304: Hydrocarbon liquid and/or Produced Water Storage Tanks.
- Rendering obsolete and removing Form APCD-303: Fugitive component leaks.
View the Oil & gas operating and maintenance plans web page for more details.
- Storage tanks.
- Condensate, crude oil, and produced water.
- Natural gas venting.
- Fugitive component leaks.
- Natural gas-fired engines.
- Diesel engines.
- Hydrocarbon liquid loadout.
- Amine sweetening units.
- Glycol dehydration units.
- Oil & gas compliance and recordkeeping.
- Storage tank and vapor control system guidelines.
- Regulation No. 7 guidance and forms (STEM, AIMM, periodic reporting).
- Leak detection and repair (LDAR) guidance and forms.
- Visible emissions observation forms.
- NSPS OOOO guidance and forms.
- Compliance and enforcement.
- Compliance test manual.
- Continuous monitoring system guidelines.
- Portable analyzer monitoring protocol.
- Rolling 12-month emission calculation guidance.
- Malfunction/upset reporting.
- Gasoline tank truck certification information and form.
- APCD enforcement and inspection contacts.
- Emission reduction credits (ERC).
- ERC stakeholder presentation.
- Forms to apply for ERCs, use ERCs, or change ownership of ERCs.
- Frequently asked questions.
- Fact sheet.
Past General Permits public meetings
The air division is developing a facility-wide general permit for upstream oil and gas facilities in Colorado. Join us to learn more, ask questions, and share your thoughts on the drafting of the permit and the development of the Air Dispersion Modeling study used to support the permit.
- Virtual, June 7, 2023 from 6-8 p.m.
- Virtual, June 21, 2023 from 6-8 p.m.
Contact us
Questions? Contact oil and gas permit unit at cdphe_apcd_airpermitcomments@state.co.us if you have questions about this new process. For specific questions about APCD Form-114, contact the permit modeling unit at cdphe_apcd_modelingdeterminations@state.co.us.
Learn more about AQCC Regulations on the Air Quality Control Commission regulations web page.
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