A powerful new mapping tool for environmental justice
Colorado EnviroScreen is an interactive environmental justice mapping tool. Version 1.0 of Colorado EnviroScreen launched on June 28, 2022.
Winners Announced: Community Connectors Program
Learn more here.
You can now access the recording from the Environmental Justice Grants informational webinars here.
Have a question for the Environmental Justice Program? Submit it here.
Other ways to get involved
Learn about proposed updates to Colorado Enviroscreen 2.0 and share feedback
We are currently working on building Colorado EnviroScreen version 2.0.
As we prepare for the release of Colorado EnviroScreen 2.0 in November 2024, we are excited to hear from users across Colorado about their experience with the tool and get feedback on our proposed updates. You can review the proposed data and methods in this report. Watch this video displaying planned user interface updates to Colorado EnviroScreen 2.0.
You can also provide feedback by filling out the Enviroscreen 2.0 Google form or emailing us at cdphe_ej@state.co.us. The public comment period for the proposed changes to EnviroScreen 2.0 will remain open to all users from June 17 through August 17.
Visit our new webpage for Colorado EnviroScreen 2.0 to learn more and stay updated.
Mapping Tool Public Tutorial
We’ve been asking Coloradans how we can make it easier to find information about air pollution sources. We are excited about our new mapping tool and have scheduled two upcoming tutorial webinars.
Join us to learn more, ask questions, and share your thoughts! Meetings are offered via Zoom. Registration is required and interpretation is available.
Water Quality Enhanced Outreach
Check back for future events!
Suncor Water Permit
The public weighed in on the draft Suncor water quality permit during the initial, responsive, and rebuttal comment periods.
CDPHE asked the public to weigh in on a permit that will limit pollution and place more conditions on the Suncor oil refinery. The draft permit is a more restrictive permit than Suncor had before. It will further protect Sand Creek and downstream waters for recreation, fish, agriculture, and drinking. The permit will also increase transparency about Suncor’s site operations. Finally, it will require monitoring and limits for dozens of toxic metals and chemicals, like benzene and PFAS.
You can access the full draft permit information materials on the Suncor Water Quality Permits webpage.
The Environmental Justice Advisory Board was created by the Environmental Justice Act (House Bill 21-1266).
Learn more about the Advisory Board
Advisory board meetings:
Check back for future meetings.
Upcoming environmental justice grant funding opportunity: $3 million for two-year projects
The Environmental Justice Grant Program is excited to preview its next grant funding cycle. The Request for Application (RFA) will open at the end of August 2024. This grant cycle will offer two years of funding totaling $3 million, significantly more than previous cycles.
The application window will be open from the end of August until November 25. The program will fund up to ten projects, including projects from both federally recognized Tribal Governments in Colorado. Start thinking about your proposals to take advantage of this substantial funding opportunity for impactful environmental justice initiatives.
Stay tuned for more details, and prepare to apply when the RFA opens next month!
Upcoming webinars, information sessions, and key dates for the environmental justice grant program:
- Access the Request for Application (RFA) materials from cycle two.
- Listen to the previously recorded informational webinars about the Environmental Justice Grant Program.
All questions asked during the webinars and submitted by email were posted to our public Q&A/FAQ document.
Suncor air pollution permit
Earlier this summer, CDPHE solicited feedback from the public on the draft permit for Plants 1 and 3 at the Suncor refinery in Commerce City. The draft permit includes additional requirements to reduce pollution and protect public and environmental health, such as new monitoring, testing, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements related to air pollution. CDPHE is now reviewing the feedback it received on the permit and working to incorporate that feedback into the draft. Read the permit and related documents.
Suncor fenceline monitoring plan
Suncor is the first of the four covered facilities to submit a draft fenceline monitoring plan under House Bill 21-1189. It must commence fenceline monitoring by 1/1/2023. Suncor’s draft fenceline monitoring plan is available in English and Spanish.
We recently returned the fenceline monitoring plan to Suncor. We made changes to Suncor’s original proposal based on ideas you shared with us during the public comment period. We’ve also ensured that the plan meets legislative requirements. It’s important that we hold Suncor accountable, and we appreciate everyone in the community who was able to take time to engage with us on developing the fenceline monitoring plan.
As a reminder, Suncor must make emissions data available online in both English and Spanish starting next year. You will also have more opportunities to get involved. We’re planning to convene at least two informational community meetings this fall, and we will share details on them once we schedule them.
Meetings and engagement
If you want to stay up to date about environmental justice events and other important updates, use our online sign-up to receive email notifications.