Translation disclaimer


Google Translate is offered on CDPHE webpages for informational purposes only. While reasonable efforts have been taken to provide an accurate translation, no automated translation is perfect and may lack the nuances of human expertise.  

Neither the State of Colorado, CDPHE, or any state employee warrants the accuracy of Google’s automatic translation. Relying on the information and translation provided by Google Translate is done at one’s own risk. Any discrepancies or differences created in translating this content from English into another language are not binding and have no legal effect for compliance, enforcement, or any other purpose. If any questions arise related to the accuracy of the information contained in these translations, please refer to the English version of the webpage.

If you need certainty that the translation is accurate to gain meaningful access to a CDPHE program or service, please fill out this request form. CDPHE staff will review your request and determine whether we can provide the requested support.