Infrared camera
Regulation 7, Part B, Sections I.B.19. and II.A.18. define an IR camera as “an optical gas imaging instrument designed for and capable of detecting hydrocarbons.”
- FLIR models GF300, GF320, Gx320, GFx320, G620, GF620, Gx620
- Opgal EyeCGas camera
- Infrared Cameras Inc. (ICI) Gas DetectIR VOC
- Konica Minolta Gas Camera System, Models: GMP01, GMP02
- Ventus OGI-Camera MWIR Core installed in any unmanned aerial system or custom built handheld camera
EPA Method 21
EPA Method 21 states the instrument detector type is not specified, but it must meet the specifications and performance criteria in Section 6.0 of the method. Example instrument detector types for meeting EPA Method 21 criteria include flame ionization detectors (FID) and photo ionization detectors (PID).
Alternative AIMM
- Alternative AIMM Guidance &, Procedures document, which provides information on the Alternative AIMM application process, as well as monitoring plan requirements for non-handheld IR cameras.
- Submit completed Alternative AIMM application and supporting documentation to
- Alternative AIMM approved for use to meet Regulation 7 requirements will be issued an approval letter outlining the conditions of approval. An approved Alternative AIMM may be used by anyone to meet Regulation 7 requirements provided the approval conditions are met. Please see below for currently issued Alternative AIMM approval letters.
Alternative AIMM approval letters
- SeekOps SeekIR Monitoring System (approved for statewide-specific regulatory use)
Alternative AIMM and Title V operating permits
If an approved Alternative AIMM will be used at a facility subject to Title V Operating Permit requirements, the Alternative AIMM must first be documented within the Title V Operating Permit. Please submit a complete Title V Operating Permit modification application or revise a previously submitted Title V Operating Permit application requesting use of the approved Alternative AIMM at a subject facility before implementation of the Alternative AIMM at the facility.