Administrative changes for air permits

 Update: The Air Pollution Control Division is currently transitioning to electronic forms. Please view the Electronic submission web page to see if the form you need is available electronically. If the form is not listed, please complete and submit the PDF version and submit via email or mail.

The new online submission tool is part of the division’s multi-year data modernization project. It involves updating, enhancing, and streamlining a variety of processes including permitting. The data modernization work is ongoing, and the division anticipates completing most of the transformation by 2027.


The CDPHE Air Pollution Control Division forms and documentation located on this page are not specific to certain permits. This page is relevant for anyone looking to make an administrative change to an air permit that is required for compliance.

Air permit self certification

  • Information for completing self-certification requirements in the permit.

Notice of Startup form

  • Note: As of January 2025 all Notice of Startup forms must be submitted using the online submission tool.
  • Go online to submit the Notice of Startup form within 15 days of starting the operation/equipment or permit issuance.
  • Create an account using the online submission tool or login to an existing account using the online portal.

Alternate Operating Scenario (AOS) documentation

  • Information and templates for permitting Alternative Operating Scenarios (AOS) for engines.

Cancellation request

Application rejection

Transfer of ownership form

  • Submit the transfer of ownership form to transfer ownership of emission point(s) to a new owner. An Air Pollutant Emission Notice (APEN) must also be submitted for each individual active and reportable emissions point to be transferred.

Company name change form

Relocation notice

  • To report relocation of sources that have been permitted as portable sources: 1) create an account using the online submission tool and 2) submit the relocation notice using the online submission tool. 
  • After Sept. 30, 2024, all relocation notices must  be submitted using the new online submission tool.
  • The division must receive this notice at least 10 days before the relocation.
  • Only sources permitted as "portable sources" should use this form.