Oil and gas air permits

To apply for a new permit or modify an existing permit, follow these steps. 

1. Complete Form APCD-100 Permit Application/Registration Checklist

2. Emissions Calculations Manual.

The APCD has published an Emissions Calculation Manual for Fixed Roof Storage Tanks (more source types coming soon) subject to APCD Oil and Gas permitting unit construction and general permits.  The document is intended to serve as a companion to the Emissions Calculations & Regulatory Analysis Workbook (ECRAW) document provided by the Air Pollution Control Division (APCD) and provides valuable guidance on subjects as they relate to fixed roof storage tanks such as developing emission factors, conducting sampling, approved process simulators, calculation methods, and control device, combustion, and pilot light emissions to be used as a basis for construction permitting requirements in Regulation 3, Part B.

3. Emissions Calculations & Regulatory Analysis Workbook. 

The APCD has developed a form to assist you in completing your emissions calculations and regulatory analysis, and closely reflects internal forms used for the same purpose. The use of this form is optional, and this form does not necessarily include all types of equipment or all possible regulatory scenarios. This form is updated periodically.

4. Complete Attachment A through J for your application. 

Your application will be rejected if it is filled out incorrectly, is missing information, missing required forms, or lacks payment for the filing fee. The Form APCD-100 and all applicable forms on that checklist are required with every application. The re-submittal will require a new filing fee. See our Application Rejection Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.


The following application types are exempted from the requirement to submit the Permit Application/Registration Checklist (Form APCD-100):

  • Air Pollutant Emission Notice (APEN) updates only (no changes to permit).
    • Renewal of 5-year APEN term.
    • Update to actual annual emissions, per AQCC Reg. 3, Part A, Section II.C.
  • APEN exempt sources.
  • Permit exempt sources.

Administrative permit amendments. (Including but not necessarily limited to name changes, changes in contact information, transfers of ownership, and typographical error corrections.) 

You must pay the APEN fee for every APEN submitted. General Permits will require additional fees.

More information about our fee structure is on our Emissions and permitting fees page.

Fees may be paid by:

  • Submitting a check with the mailed in application
  • As of October 1, 2022, the Air Division no longer accepts Credit Card Authorizations through standard mail, email, or over the phone. If you need to pay APEN filing fee(s) and General Permit fee(s) with a credit card, you may use the Division’s online payment portal. If this is your first time using the payment portal, please follow the instructions in this guidance document

Oil & gas APENs.

Include an APEN for each emissions point subject to APEN reporting requirements.

A guide to calculating and reporting your emissions.

Attachment C does not require a specific APCD form. This part of your application must contain enough documentation for the permit engineer to check your calculations.  The optional Emissions Calculation & Regulatory Analysis Workbook may be used to show emissions calculations.

All applicable permit applicants must submit an Environmental Justice Summary prior to submitting their permit application. The Air Pollution Control Division’s Environmental Justice Report Tool for Air Quality Regulation 3 is designed for permit applicants to use when implementing the Disproportionately Impacted (DI) Community Permitting Rule. The tool’s website has additional information including steps for submitting a complete environmental justice summary, user guide, FAQs, and more.

An ambient air impact analysis is required if emission increases requested in your application are above the modeling thresholds in the Colorado Modeling Guideline for Air Quality Permits. An ambient air impact analysis is not required for sources that emit only VOCs and no other criteria pollutants.

Air Quality Modeling Webpage.

Download Form APCD-102.

Include all existing, portable, and newly-requested emission points at your facility. This form isn't needed if your facility has only one emission point.

Attachment H does not require a specific APCD form. You can represent this in a written or graphical format or both, as appropriate. This attachment is not needed if your facility has only one emissions point.

The Operating & Maintenance Plan forms page has additional guidance and links to all templates available for download. O&M plans are required for each source with emission controls at a synthetic minor or major stationary source. They are not required if a source is covered by a General Permit or if the source is at a true minor facility.

You may opt for us to complete the regulatory analysis. Submitting a regulatory analysis along with the permit application may speed up the issuance of the permit.

Download an example of regulatory analysis. The optional Emissions Calculation & Regulatory Analysis Workbook may be used to assist in completing the regulatory analysis.

5. Mail your complete application to:

Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO 80246-1530 

Fees may be paid by:

  • Submitting a check with the mailed in application
  • As of October 1, 2022, the Air Division no longer accepts Credit Card Authorizations through standard mail, email, or over the phone. If you need to pay APEN filing fee(s) and General Permit fee(s) with a credit card, you may use the Division’s online payment portal. If this is your first time using the payment portal, please follow the instructions in this guidance document.
Equipment-specific forms and guidance
