Stratospheric ozone depletion health hazard

The stratospheric ozone layer in the upper atmosphere (10 to 30 miles above the Earth's surface) protects the planet from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Ozone-depleting compounds that reach the stratospheric ozone layer release free chlorine from their chemical structure and destroy atmospheric ozone by oxidation, thereby destroying its ability to filter ultraviolet radiation.
Public health concerns that stem from increased ultraviolet radiation include higher rates of skin cancers, cataracts and immunity suppression. Damage to plants and aquatic organisms can also occur.

What we do

  • Contract with local health departments, which perform inspections, respond to complaints and initiate compliance actions in their respective counties.
  • Oversee the CFC program by conducting training and inspections &, implementing monitoring &, compliance for the non-contracted portion of the state.
  • Regularly inspect stationary and automotive sources for compliance.
  • Respond to general complaints about ozone-depleting compounds.

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