Oil & gas compliance and recordkeeping

Disproportionately impacted community definition

In May 2023, Colorado adopted a new definition of disproportionately impacted communities with House Bill 23-1233: Electric Vehicle Charging and Parking Requirements. Colorado now has a single definition of disproportionately impacted communities that applies to all Colorado state agencies.

The  CDPHE Air Pollution Control Division began applying the 2023 definition in its work after the bill was signed into law. This includes applying the definition to the division’s work related to oil and gas operations. To align with the 2023 statutory definition, the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission revised the definition in Regulation Number 7, effective April 14, 2025.

The CDPHE Office of Environmental Justice published the disproportionately impacted community map in November 2024. Oil and gas operators should use this map to identify disproportionately impacted communities in Colorado instead of Colorado EnviroScreen.

Questions? Please contact cdphe_ej@state.co.us.

Oil and Gas

Storage tank and vapor control system guidelines

Guidelines for design, operation, and maintenance of vapor control systems at oil and gas facilities.

Oil & gas operating and maintenance plans

Forms and guidance for O&M plans for equipment at oil & gas facilities.

Midstream GHG Reductions

Each oil and gas midstream segment owner or operator must participate in this program to develop a plan to reduce GHG emissions from midstream fuel combustion equipment.  (Reg. 7, Part B, Section VII).  Rulemaking in late 2024.

Regulation No. 7

Approved Instrument Monitoring Method (AIMM)

Part B, Section I.F.3: Storage Tank Control Strategy 

Part B, Section I.H.6: Glycol dehydrators

Part B, Section II.: Control Equipment

Part B, Section II.B.2.h: ECD Performance Testing

Part B, Section II.C: Storage Tank Emissions Management (STEM)

Part B, Section II.E.4.f.: Alternative inspection frequency

Part B, Section II.G: Well Liquid Unloading, Downhole Well Maintenance, and Well Plugging Activities

Part B, Section IV: Natural Gas Transmission and Storage Segment

Part B, Section V: Oil and Natural Gas Annual Emissions Inventory Reporting

Part B, Section VI: Oil and Natural Gas Pre-Production and Early Production Operations

Part B, Section VII:  GHGs from Midstream Fuel Combustion Equipment

Part B, Section VIII: Greenhouse Gas Intensity Program for Oil and Natural Gas Upstream Segment

Part B, Section III.C.4 - Pneumatics Reporting

Regulation No. 26

Regulation No. 26, Part B, Section I.D.5.b - Large Engines

Regulation 26, Part B, Section I.D.6 -  Medium Engines

"Medium" Engines are: Rich Burn Natural Gas Fired engines 100hp < 1000 hp, Lean Burn Natural Gas Fired engines 250hp < 1000 hp, Diesel or dual fuel engines >500 hp

Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR)



Visible Emissions Observations




“Practically Enforceable” limits under NSPS OOOO.

Regulatory Updates Guidance

PS Memo 14-01 Regulation No. 3 Changes.

Optical Gas Imaging Infrared (IR) Camera Inspection Program

Contact us

Questions? Email the CDPHE Air Pollution Control Division at cdphe.commentsapcd@state.co.us.

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