Smoke management permits for larger projects


If you have 50 or fewer piles to burn in the current calendar year in this project and each pile is small enough that it will be out cold by sunset, then you may apply for a simpler open burning smoke permit instead of a smoke management permit.

If your broadcast burn will involve less than 10 acres of grass or 5 acres of any other fuel type this year, you may apply for a simpler open burning smoke permit instead of a smoke management permit.

If the burn is for agriculture, no smoke permit is required.


The Colorado Clean Airshed Management Portal (CO-CAMP) is now live! Please submit all permit applications through CO-CAMP going forward. A guidance document to create a new account and to utilize the new system can be found here

Please use and bookmark the below links to be redirected to the appropriate webpage: 

To create a new account on CO-CAMP, submit a new pile or broadcast application, or to renew a previous permit:

Daily and Annual Reporting can be submitted without a CO-CAMP account at the following links: 

To submit a notification of a pile or broadcast burn:

**Please make a note of the Form ID number on that page – you will need it to complete the Daily Actual Fire Activity for that day**

To submit daily burn activity:

To submit annual burn activity:

Permit payments can be made inside the CO-CAMP portal (this is the preferred method).  However, permit payments can also be made outside the portal for those without a CO-CAMP account at the following link:



At times when CO-CAMP is inaccessible please use the below resources:

If you have any questions, please contact Barry Burt (barry.burt@state.co.us), Mathew Brattain (mathew.brattain@state.co.us), or Scott Landes (scott.landes@state.co.us).


Other resources and information

Burn day tools

Including forecasts and monitoring

Procedures guide

Overview for fire management officers, including site inspection expectations and "big league" burn programs.

Program manual