- These Permit Section (PS) memos are indexed by date and topic.
- Older memos still apply.
- Memos weren’t issued during some years.
2024 PS Memos
- Memo 24-01 - Non-Road Engines
- Memo 24-02 - Baseline Actual Emissions & Projected Actual Emissions Assumptions
2022 PS Memos
2020 PS Memos
- Memo 20-01 - Serious Nonattainment Area Reclassification: Permitting Issues
- Memo 20-02 - Oil & Gas Industry Enclosed Combustion Device Overall Control Efficiency Greater than 95%
- Memo 20-03 - Permitting Guidance for the Well Production Facility General Permits GP09 and GP10
- Memo 20-04 - Routine or Predictable Gas Venting Emissions Calculation and Instructions on Permitting for Oil and Natural Gas Operations
2018 PS Memos
2017 PS Memos
- Memo 17-01 - Flash Gas Liberation Analysis.
- Memo 17-02 - Guidance for Regulation 7, Section XII Dehydrator Requirements.
2015 PS Memos
- Memo 15-03 - Oil &, Gas Air Pollution Control Equipment Requirements of Regulation Number 7, Section XVII.
- Memo 15-01 - Oil &, Gas Storage Tank Control and Emissions Management (STEM) Plan Requirements of Regulation Number 7, Section XVII.C. Updated September 6, 2018.
2014 PS Memos
- Memo 14-04 - Guidance on Regulation No. 7 Oil and GasLeak Detection and Repair, andOpen Ended Valves and Line requirements.
- Memo 14-03 - Oil &, Gas Industry Crude Oil, Condensate and Produced Water Atmospheric Storage Tanks Regulatory Definitions and Permitting Guidance for General Permit GP08.
- Memo 14-02 - Hydrocarbon Liquid Loadout General Permit GP-07 Regulatory Definitions and Permitting Guidance.
- Memo 14-01 - 2014 Regulation No. 3 Changes.
2012 PS Memos
- Memo 12-02 - VOC Emissions from Composting Operations.
- PS Memo 12-01 has been withdrawn.
2011 PS Memos
- Memo 11-05 - Adoption of Alternative Operating Scenario (AOS) for Natural Gas Fired Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine (RICE) Permits Not Containing an AOS Provision - WITHDRAWN.
- Memo 11-04 - Stationary Compression Ignition (CI) internal combustion engine (ICE) AOS.
- Memo 11-03 - Permitting Guidance for Oil &, Gas Industry - Natural Gas Fired Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine (RICE) General Permit GP02.
- Memo 11-02 - Operating Permits and the Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule.
- Memo 11-01 - Guidance on Statewide Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine (RICE) Requirements.
2010 PS Memos
2009 PS Memos
- Memo 09-02 - Oil &, Gas Produced Water Tank Batteries Regulatory Definitions and Permitting Guidance.
- Memo 09-01 - Title V Operating Permit Application Due Dates.
2005 PS Memos
2002 PS Memos
1999 PS Memos
- Memo 99-06 - Public Notice Guidance.
- Memo 99-05 - Grain Elevators.
- Memo 99-04: Fugitive Emissions and Major Source Status.
- Memo 99-03 - Criteria for Determining Whether Equipment is Air Pollution Control Equipment or Process Equipment.
- Memo 99-02 - Flares and General Incinerator Requirements.
1998 PS Memos
- Memo 98-07 - Alternative Operating Scenario (AOS) for Turbines.
- Memo 98-06 - Natural gas fired Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine (RICE) AOS.
- Memo 98-04 - Processing of Final Approval Permits.
- Memo 98-03 - Short Term Limits Policy.
- Memo 98-02 - Agricultural Activities Exemption.
- Memo 98-01 - Confidentiality.
1997 PS Memos
- Memo 97-05 - Chrome Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) FAQ.
- Memo 97-04 - New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) Subpart KKK Guidance.
- Memo 97-03 - Construction Permit Conditions.
- Memo 97-01 - Air Pollution Emissions Notice (APEN) Exempt Emission Units and Synthetic Minor Permits.
1996 PS Memos
- Memo 96-07 - Guidance on Emission Factor Changes and Final Approval, and CO Emissions from Asphalt Plants.
- Memo 96-06 - Guidance on Prioritizing (red tagging) Construction Permits.
- Memo 96-05 - Guidance on Synthetic Minor Permits and Federal Enforceability.
- Memo 96-04 - Guidance on Process Equipment, Equipment Vented Back Into a Building, and Determination of Uncontrolled Actual Emissions, has been withdrawn. See PS Memo 99-03.
- Memo 96-01 - Guidance on Calculating Potential To Emit for Grain Handling Facilities.
1995 PS Memos
- Memo 95-09 - Emergency Generators.
- Memo 95-08 - House Bill 1326.
- Memo 95-07 - Federal Enforceability of Pre-1995 Permits.
- Memo 95-05 - Chargeable Time.
- Memo 95-13 - Grouped Air Pollution Emission Notice (APEN) Requirements.
1994 PS Memos
- Memo 94-20 - Particulate Matter (PM)-10 Precursor Requirements.
- Memo 94-17 - Allowable Activities Prior to Permit Issuance.
- Memo 94-15 - Application Shield Issues.
- Memo 94-11 - Glycol Ethers.
- Memo 94-10 - Reg 7 Surface Coating Compliance.
- Memo 94-06 - Fugitive Emissions.
- Memo 94-05 - Construction Permits for Portable Sources.
- Memo 94-04 - Synthetic Minor Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP) Permits.
- Memo 94-03 - Emissions Rounding/Air Pollutant Emission Notice (APEN) Fee Refunds/Final Approval.
1993 PS Memos