Oil and Gas APENs

If your source (equipment) type is not listed below, please use the General Air Pollutant Emission Notice form. A guidance document is available for each form.

Your application will be rejected if it is filled out incorrectly, is missing information, missing required forms, or lacks payment for the filing fee. The Form APCD-100 and all applicable forms on that checklist are required with every application. The re-submittal will require a new filing fee. See our Application Rejection Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.


The following application types are exempted from the requirement to submit the Permit Application/Registration Checklist (Form APCD-100):

  • Air Pollutant Emission Notice (APEN) updates only (no changes to permit).
    • Renewal of 5-year APEN term.
    • Update to actual annual emissions, per AQCC Reg. 3, Part A, Section II.C.
  • APEN exempt sources.
  • Permit exempt sources.
  • Administrative permit amendments. (Including but not necessarily limited to name changes, changes in contact information, transfers of ownership, and typographical error corrections.)

General APEN Form APCD-200

The is a generic form used to obtain an air permit for a new source of air emissions, modify an existing air permit, request an administrative amendment to an existing air permit, or complete a routine (five-year) Air Pollutant Emission Notice renewal even when there is no change to an existing permit. When an equipment-specific Air Pollutant Emission Notice exists for a given source, it must be used instead of the General Air Pollutant Emission Notice. This form will NOT be accepted for reporting emissions from gas venting activities, including maintenance/blowdown events(use Gas Venting Form APCD-211), or hydrocarbon liquid loading operations (use Hydrocarbon Liquid Loading Operations Form APCD-208).

Amine sweetening unit APEN Form APCD-206

Submit this notice to report new or existing natural gas amine sweetening systems, complete a routine (five-year) Air Pollutant Emission Notice renewal, request permit modifications, or report changes in emissions, production or equipment.

Boiler APEN Form APCD-220

Submit this notice to report a new or existing operation,complete a routine (five-year) APEN renewal,request a permit modification, or report changes in emissions, production or equipment. Please use this form to report boilers, hot oil heaters, process heaters and similar equipment.

Condensate storage tank(s) APEN Form APCD-205

Submit this notice to report new or existing condensate storage tanks for both E&P and midstream oil and gas operations.

Crude oil storage tank(s) APEN Form APCD-210

Submit this notice to report new or existing crude oil storage tanks for both E&P and midstream oil and gas operations.

E&P Storage Tank APEN Addendum Form APCD-212

Attach this addendum form to forms APCD 205, 207 or 210 when needed to report additional wells.

Facility-Wide Greenhouse Gas Emissions APEN Form APCD-235

Submit this notice to report facility-wide greenhouse gas emissions. This emission notice is required to be submitted annually on or before December 31 of each year, starting on or before December 31, 2023, for facilities directly emitting CO2e emissions equal to or greater than 25,000 metric tons per year. See Colorado AQCC Regulation No. 3, Part A, II.A.2. for additional information.

Form APCD-235 Facility-Wide Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Gas venting APEN Form APCD-211

Submit this notice to report new/existing emissions from gas venting activities, complete a routine (five-year) Air Pollutant Emission Notice renewal,request permit modifications,or report changes in emissions, production, or equipment.Gas venting activities include emissions from gas/liquid separators, and pneumatic pumps.

Glycol dehydrators unit APEN Form APCD-202

Submit this notice to report new or existing natural gas dehydration systems using glycols, complete a routine (five-year) Air Pollutant Emission Notice renewal, request permit modifications, or report changes in emissions, production, or equipment.

Hydrocarbon liquid loading APEN Form APCD-208

Submit this notice to report emissions from hydrocarbon liquid loading operations such as liquid load-out from above-ground storage tanks and liquid load-out from pressurized storage tanks (if reportable).

Produced water storage tank(s) APEN Form APCD-207

Submit this notice for produced water tanks in oil and gas operations.

Routine or predictable emissions APEN Forms APCD-213 and APCD-215

Submit APCD-213 (and if necessary APCD-215) to report new/existing emissions from routine or predictable gas venting activities, complete a routine (five-year) Air Pollutant Emission Notice renewal, request permit modifications, or report changes in emissions, activities, or equipment. Routine or predictable gas venting activities include emissions from blowdowns of equipment/vessels, pigging, well unloading, downhole well maintenance, and other blowdown events. Refer to PS Memo 20-04 for more information on this source and APEN guidance. 

Spark ignition and compression ignition engine APENs: Form APCD-201, Form APCD-233

Submit this notice to report new or existing internal combustion engines or generators, complete a routine (five-year) Air Pollutant Emission Notice renewal, request permit modifications, or report changes in emissions, fuel use or equipment. Please provide all applicable information on the form.
Diesel engines that are subject to the New Source Performance Standard (NSPS)-40 CFR Part 60 Subpart IIII must submit the following APEN addendum form with form APCD-233 (this is required only for initial applications and AOS permanent replacements, for affected engines, this is not required for modifications or APEN Updates):

Well production facility APEN Form APCD-216

Submit this notice to report emissions from new well production facilities registering under general permit GP09 or GP10. Refer to PS Memo 20-03 for more information on this source.