Electronic submission


The CDPHE Air Pollution Control Division developed an online submission tool for permits and reports. As of October 2024, the division is accepting several air forms through the portal, including:

  • Environmental justice summary.
  • Notice of Startup.
  • Relocation Notice.
  • Land Development Air Pollutant Emissions Notice (APEN).
  • Modeling determination.
  • APEN for Crematory operations.
  • APEN for Crushers/screens.
  • APEN for Fuel service stations.
  • APEN for Surface coating operations.

The division will continue to expand the online submission tool with more electronic forms in 2024 and beyond. During that time, the division anticipates launching the following forms using this new online submission process: 

  • APEN for Well Production Facility (GP09/10).

The new online submission tool is part of the division’s multi-year data modernization project. It involves updating, enhancing, and streamlining a variety of processes including permitting. The data modernization work is ongoing, and the division anticipates completing most of the transformation by 2027.


Request an account for the online submission tool.


Submit APENs, documents, reports and other forms to the division. An account is required to use this tool.


Learn how to use the online submission tool for stationary emission sources.


Find more information on creating an account and using the online submission tool.


Click here to see all of the permits that are undergoing analysis by the Air Pollution Control Division. These permits may be new sources to the state or modifications to existing sources.


Access data and documents for stationary emission sources around Colorado.

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Contact us

Questions? Email cdphe_apcd_salesforce@state.co.us.