Toxic air contaminants: gap analysis


On this page: Background | Public meetings | Public comments | Air Quality Control Commission rulemaking and informational hearing schedules | Contact us

Please note: If you would like to request a Spanish interpretation, please email cdphe_apcd_outreach@state.co.us and include “Air Toxics Gap Analysis Interpretation Request” in the subject line.

Tenga en cuenta: Si desea solicitar interpretación al español, envíe un mensaje por correo electrónico a cdphe_apcd_outreach@state.co.us e indique “Air Toxics Gap Analysis Interpretation Request” como asunto de su mensaje.


Update: The Air Pollution Control Division has published the draft gap analysis report and received public comments on the report.



The Air Pollution Control Division is reviewing all available toxic air contaminant annual emission data reported from facilities across Colorado. The division is analyzing this data for gaps. The division will summarize this analysis in a report for the Air Quality Control Commission. This report is required before the division  proposes any changes to toxic air contaminant reporting requirements created under a 2022 state law: Public Protections from Toxic Air Contaminants.  



On June 2, 2022, Public Protections from Toxic Air Contaminants (HB22-1244) was signed into law. This law requires rulemaking actions by the Air Quality Control Commission to:

  1. Receive a report from the division to identify gaps in toxic air contaminant reporting.
  2. Based on this analysis, consider changes to the toxic air contaminant reporting requirements, beginning with calendar year 2025 emissions.

The law requires the division to conduct public outreach on this gap analysis report. In particular, the law requires the division to conduct outreach to disproportionately impacted communities and workers at stationary sources.

The law also requires that a formal written public comment period before the division sends this report to the Air Quality Control Commission.

Additional information regarding toxic air contaminant reporting in Colorado is available on the toxic air contaminants reporting website.


Public meetings

Recordings and presentation slides from the division’s public meetings are available for your review. 


Public comments

The division accepted public comments on the draft gap analysis report through July 3, 2024. The public comment period is now closed. The division will summarize comments received and changes made to the final gap analysis report.

Draft Gap Analysis Report.


Air Quality Control Commission rulemaking and informational hearing schedules

Final gap analysis report: Oct. 1, 2024.

  • The division will submit the gap analysis report to the commission. The report will reflect any changes made based on public comments.

Informational hearing: Oct. 17 -18, 2024.

  • Topic: The commission will hold an informational hearing about the draft gap analysis report for toxics air contaminants reporting.

Request for rulemaking: Dec. 19 - 20, 2024.

  • Topic: The division will request the commission set a hearing to consider revisions to air toxic reporting requirements, as required by HB22-1244.

Contact us

Questions? Contact: cdphe_apcd_airtoxics@state.co.us

Use the subject line: "Air Toxics Gap Analysis Report."