Air emissions from business and industry

Help in your language: Free language assistance services are available to you. To request assistance in another language, email cdphe_apcd_outreach@state.co.us. Please include the topic and “language assistance” in the subject line. Please also link to the specific information you’d like to access, if possible, such as a web page or document.

Opportunities to learn and give input

Visit the Air Pollution Control Division outreach page for upcoming public participation opportunities. These events may be in-person, virtual, or hybrid. The division holds regular events such as public listening sessions, small community conversations, tutorials, and more.

Map portal and records database search tool

The Air Pollution Control Division generates and receives many documents and data. We understand public records can be challenging to find, so we created an interactive map to make it easier. Learn more about using the mapping tool and how to find stationary sources:

The division hosted two tutorial webinars on the mapping tool in 2023:

We use an online database to store different documents and data. You can find this information using the Public Access Viewer, in addition to the interactive map.
Visit the division's records website for more information.