2024 Departmental Regulatory Agenda (with 2023 summary and 2023 results of mandatory review of rules)
2023 Departmental Regulatory Agenda (with 2022 summary and 2022 results of mandatory review of rules)
This regulatory agenda is posted pursuant to §2-7-202-203 and §24-4-103.3(4), C.R.S. Only regulations promulgated by Type 1 boards and commissions and the executive director and chief medical officer are included in the agenda. If you have specific questions about a regulation, please contact the board or commission listed on the agenda.
2023 Departmental Regulatory Plan
This regulatory plan has been drafted to comply with the requirements of Executive Order D 2012-002 and §24-4-103.3(2), C.R.S. If you have feedback about a rule under review, please complete the Stakeholder Feedback Form and send it to the staff contact listed on the Regulatory Plan.
Early stakeholder engagement
Information on how to participate as a stakeholder.
Local government input
In 2011, Gov. John Hickenlooper signed Executive Order D 2011-005 (EO5), which establishes a policy to enhance the relationship between state and local governments. In 2012, legislation was enacted that codifies this requirement in §24-4-103 C.R.S. Local governments will continue to be contacted to ask for their input in the development of proposed rules with state mandates when applicable. In some instances Colorado law allows local government to seek a waiver, exception, or variance from a rule requirement. This process and the criteria are often communicated in the rules. Please review the rules or contact the program area for more information about whether a waiver or variance is authorized.
Local government representatives can sign-up for notifications: CDPHE local government rulemaking notification sign-up form.