Data access


Please note: Most public records are only available in English. If you would like to request a Spanish interpretation, please email cdphe_apcd_outreach@state.co.us and indicate “Records Map Interpretation Request” as the subject of your message.

Tenga en cuenta: Tenga presente que la mayoría de los registros públicos solo están disponibles en inglés. Si desea solicitar interpretación al español, envíe un mensaje por correo electrónico a cdphe_apcd_outreach@state.co.us e indique “Records Map Interpretation Request” como asunto de su mensaje.


This tool will allow users to navigate through the thousands of stationary emission sources in Colorado. Users can view the emission totals, facility records and download emission data.


This guidance document is intended to assist you with the use of the data visualization tool for stationary emission sources.


This FAQ webpage will provide more information on the data presented in the data visualization tool, such how the data is received, how frequently the data changes and how the data is used by the Air Pollution Control Division.


See all of the permits that are undergoing analysis by the Air Pollution Control Division. These permits may be new sources to the state or modifications to existing sources.


Access data related to COVID-19, Education, Public Safety and more.

Provide feedback


The Air Pollution Control Division is creating more visualization tools that will be added to this page once complete. Please be sure to visit this page for new tools!