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Section 11 of Colorado Senate Bill 21-260 (Sustainability of the Transportation System) creates a Clean Fleet Enterprise within the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) for the business purpose of incentivizing and supporting the use of electric motor vehicles and other clean fleet technologies by owners and operators of motor vehicle fleets.
The Clean Fleet Enterprise is authorized to impose a clean fleet retail delivery fee to be paid by the purchaser of tangible personal property delivered to the purchaser by motor vehicle and a clean fleet per ride fee to be paid by a transportation network company (TNC) on each ride offered and accepted by the TNC to fund the clean fleet enterprise's business purpose.
Clean Fleet Enterprise Board
Board members
- Michael Ogletree, CDPHE Air Pollution Control Division Director.
- Kay Kelly, Colorado Department of Transportation.
- Maria Eisemann, Colorado Energy Office.
- Josê Guardiola, Disproportionately Impacted Community representative (term end date Sept. 28, 2024).
- Greg Fulton, Transportation expert.
- Tim Reeser, Motor vehicle fleet electrification expert (term end date Sept. 28, 2024).
- Will Allison, Air quality expert (term end date Sept. 28, 2025).
- John Tayer, Business or supply chain management expert (term end date Sept. 28, 2025).
If you are interested in serving as a board member, please visit the Colorado Boards and Commissions web page to apply.
Board meetings
The board usually meets on the fourth Thursday of each month.
Interpretive services are available upon request. If you would like to request interpretive services for this meeting, email your request to at least two weeks before the meeting.
Scheduled 2025 Board meetings:
Historical Board meeting materials may be found:
Clean Fleet Enterprise Fee Rulemaking
- 2022 Clean Fleet Retail Delivery Fee and Clean Fleet Per Ride Fee Rule.
- Adopted Feb. 2022; Effective July 1, 2022.
- 2023 Clean Fleet Retail Delivery Fee and Clean Fleet Per Ride Fee Rule.
- Adopted March 2023; Effective July 1, 2023.
- Colorado Senate Bill 21-260 (Sustainability of the Transportation System).
- The full description for creating CFE is in Article 7.5 (pages 38-59) of the Signed Act.
- Clean Fleet Enterprise Bylaws.
- Adopted Nov. 2021.
- Clean Fleet Enterprise Ten-Year Plan.
- Adopted May 2022.
- Clean Fleet Enterprise Retail Delivery Fee and Per Ride Fee Rule.
- Adopted May 2023.
- 2024 Board Annual Report.
- Approved Dec. 2024.
- 2023 Board Annual Report.
- Approved Nov. 2023.
- 2022 Board Annual Report.
- Approved Nov. 2022.
- Clean Fleet Enterprise 2023-24 Budget.
- Approved June 2023.
Additional resources
- Other enterprises created by SB21-260:
- Colorado Energy Office Community Access Enterprise.
- Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT).
- Low- and Zero-Emission Vehicle programs.
- Clean Trucking.
- Colorado Energy Office Zero Emission Vehicles.
- State Plug-in Adoption Resource Kit (SPARK).
- 2023 Electric Vehicle Plan.