Oil and Natural Gas Annual Emission Inventory Reporting


  • 2024 reporting templates and data entry instructions are now available. A new version of the Production workbook template, version 7.1, was released on February 19, 2025, which corrected an error found on the nonroad internal combustion engines data entry tab. Ensure you use the 7.1 version for the Production workbook. 
  • New ONGAEIR interactive dashboard system provides the most up-to-date and publicly available data for the reporting workbooks submitted to the ONGAEIR database.


Oil and gas operators must submit annual emissions inventory reports to the Oil and Natural Gas Annual Emission Inventory Reporting (ONGAEIR) web-based portal by June 30 each year. The reports are required under Air Quality Control Commission Regulation 7, Part B, Sections IV and V. This webpage offers guidance and other resources to help complete annual reports.

The 2024 ONGAEIR submissions are due June 30, 2025. The templates are available below. Updated guidance documents for report development, submission, and equipment/activity specific calculation methods are now available for all reporting years.

Reporting and submission guidance

The Air Quality Control Commission requires reporting for oil and gas emissions under Regulation No. 7, Part D, Section V. Reference the guidance for ONGAEIR report development for instructions on completing the data entry workbooks for the annual emissions reporting. Reference the guidance for submitting ONGAEIR reports for submission instructions. Access the web portal to submit annual emissions inventory reports, supporting documentation, and Section IV certifications. A registered user account is required before submitting the form.

Calculation methodology and reporting forms

Reference the calculation methodology and emission factors guidance for the regulated activities and equipment which correspond to the workbook tabs for each of the data entry sheets. The 2024 Version 7.0 workbooks and data entry instructions for each reporting workbook type are included below.

The 2022 operator submissions data is provisional and subject to revision and validation by division staff. Operators provide the emissions data, which may be resubmitted by operators at any time. Contact the division at cdphe_apcd_ei@state.co.us for the most recent data, if a reporting error is observed, or to obtain blank templates for 2022 and prior.

ONGAEIR interactive dashboard system

The division’s new dashboard system provides the most up-to-date and publicly available data for the reporting workbooks submitted to the ONGAEIR database. The system includes information on emissions amounts and trends from oil and gas facilities. To learn how the data is received, updated, and used, view the ONGAEIR frequently asked questions. For information on navigating the interactive dashboard system, view the instructions.

Upcoming meetings

The division is hosting an online meeting on Feb. 27 at 1 p.m. for oil and gas owners and operators. Join to learn about ONGAEIR documents, reporting, changes for reporting year 2024, and a demonstration on the dashboard system. The meeting will focus primarily on the changes from 2023 to 2024 ONGAEIR reporting and guidance.

Register for Feb. 27 meeting.

Contact us

Questions? Email cdphe_apcd_ei@state.co.us.

For questions about the toxic air contaminant (TAC) reporting tab, visit the Guidance for facilities required to submit annual air toxics reports under HB22-1244.

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