Colorado Regulation No. 19 - Lead-based Paint

The Air Pollution Control Division, Indoor Environment Program is proposing to revise Colorado Regulation Number 19.

If you would like to participate in the stakeholder process for this review and revision, please register using the link under the E-Mailing list and Division Contact section. Check the box marked Lead-based Paint Stakeholder Process-CO Reg No. 19.

Process to Review and Revise Regulation Number 19

The Air Pollution Control Division (Division) is providing this second red-line document of proposed revisions to Regulation 19, which can be found here. The Division plans to hold additional stakeholder meetings to discuss proposed revisions as well as holding meetings with stakeholders who provide written comments.

In August 2021, the Division plans to ask the Air Quality Control Commission (Commission) to set a rulemaking hearing. The Division anticipates the Commission to hold a rulemaking hearing on proposed changes to Regulation 19 in November 2021.

The Division will hold a virtual stakeholder meeting on Thursday, May 27 to discuss proposed revisions to Regulation Number 19. Please visit: https://cdphe.colorado.gov/colorado-regulation-no-19-lead-based-paint to register for this stakeholder meetings and for additional information. 

  • August 12, 2021, 4:30PM-6:00PM
    • Meeting to discuss 2nd red-line document
    • Please register in order to attend the meeting
    • If you are registered as a stakeholder, you will receive log-in information

Below, please find the presentation from the kickoff meeting. The Division anticipates holding additional stakeholder meetings prior to August 2021. Please continue to check this site for updates and posted presentations.  

  • Kickoff stakeholder meeting – March 9, 2021 from 5PM-6:30PM
  • Stakeholder meeting - May 27, 2021 from 4:30PM - 6:30PM
  • Stakeholder meeting - August 12, 2021 from 4:30PM - 6:00PM

Written comments

Please send any comments regarding Regulation No. 19 - Lead-based Paint to cdphe.commentsapcd@state.co.us.

Contact us

Register at APCD Mailing List to be part of the stakeholder process and receive updates for all upcoming activities. Please continue to visit this page as it will be updated throughout the process.

For more information on the AQCC process, please visit the AQCC website and continue to check this webpage for updates throughout the process. 


Laura Manyak 

