Air permits for non-oil & gas


To apply for a new permit or modify an existing permit, follow these steps.

1. Choose the appropriate APEN below, if you do not see an APEN that fits your operation or equipment use the General APEN form. 

Your application will be rejected if it is filled out incorrectly, is missing information, missing required forms, or lacks payment for the filing fee. The Form APCD-100 and all applicable forms on that checklist are required with every application. The re-submittal will require a new filing fee. See our Application Rejection Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.


The following application types are exempted from the requirement to submit the Permit Application/Registration Checklist (Form APCD-100):

  • Air Pollutant Emission Notice (APEN) updates only (no changes to permit).
    • Renewal of 5-year APEN term.
    • Update to actual annual emissions, per AQCC Reg. 3, Part A, Section II.C.
  • APEN exempt sources.
  • Permit exempt sources.
  • Administrative permit amendments. (Including but not necessarily limited to name changes, changes in contact information, transfers of ownership, and typographical error corrections.)
  • Sources reporting greenhouse gases in accordance with Regulation 3 Part A, Section II.A.2., are not required to obtain a construction permit solely for greenhouse gas.
    • Reference: Regulation 3 Part B II.D.10.
  • Sources exempted from filing Air Pollutant Emission Notices in Part A Section II.D. of Regulation 3 are also exempted from filing a Permit.
    • Reference: Regulation 3 Part B II.D.1.a. 

Boiler APEN: Form APCD-220.

Use this form to report boilers, hot oil heaters, process heaters and other similar equipment.

Use our boiler emissions calculator to calculate emissions for boilers rated under 100MMBtu.


Fuel burning equipment that uses gaseous fuel, is rated ≤10,000,000 Btus per hour, and that is used only for heating buildings for personal comfort.

  • Reference: Regulation 3 Part A II.D.1.ggg. 


  • If you own or operate a boiler, you may be subject to federal environmental regulations. EPA promulgated National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) JJJJJJ for industrial, commercial, and institutional boilers located at facilities that emit less than 10 tons per year of any Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP) or less than 25 tons per year of combined HAPs. This rule does not apply to electric or gas fired boilers.
  • Guidance document
    • An overview of national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP) JJJJJJ, area source boiler rule.
  • Electronic initial notification- external link.
    • If you are subject to NESHAP JJJJJJ, an initial notification shall be submitted to both EPA and the Colorado Air Pollution Control Division. Initial notifications shall be submitted electronically to the EPA through the EPA's Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). Mail a copy of the initial notification to the Colorado Air Pollution Control Division at Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment APCD-SS-B1 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South Denver, CO 80246-1530.

Crematory/Incinerator APEN: Form APCD-234

A Guide to Air Permitting Requirements for Crematories.

An Air Pollutant Emission Notice must be filed for all incinerators. 

  • Reference: Regulation 3 Part A II.D.2.

All incinerators require a permit as stated in Regulation Number1, Section III.B.1. 

  • Reference: Regulation 3 Part A II.D.6. 

Spark Ignition Engine APEN: Form APCD-201.

Calculate your natural gas-fired engine emissions.

General Permit.

General permits offer a streamlined approach. Sources that can meet the criteria of emissions limitations and other operating conditions may qualify for a general permit. 

Compression Ignition Engine APEN: Form APCD-233.


Diesel engines that are subject to New Source Performance Standard Subpart IIII must submit the APEN Addendum Form APCD-214 along with the engine APEN (Form APCD-233).

General Permit.

General permits offer a streamlined approach. Sources that can meet the criteria of emissions limitations and other operating conditions may qualify for a general permit. 

Calculate emissions for diesel engines:

Less than 600 HP.

Greater than 600 HP.

Using manufacturer emission factors.

Permit Exemptions

Stationary Internal Combustion Engines that: 

  • Are power portable drilling rigs; or are emergency power generators that operate no more than two hundred and fifty hours per year; or have uncontrolled actual emissions less than five tons per year or manufacturer’s site-rated horsepower of less than fifty are exempt from requiring a Permit.
    • Reference: Regulation 3 Part B II.D.1.c.(i-iii)

Facility-Wide Greenhouse Gas Emissions APEN: Form APCD-235.

Submit this notice to report facility-wide greenhouse gas emissions. This emission notice is required to be submitted annually on or before December 31 of each year, starting on or before December 31, 2023, for facilities directly emitting CO2e emissions equal to or greater than 25,000 metric tons per year. See Colorado AQCC Regulation No. 3, Part A, II.A.2. for additional information.

Grain elevators & feed mills APEN: Form APCD-230.

Use this form for:

  • Food/beverage processing plants that handle grain.
  • Large grain elevators and feed mills.
  • Pet food manufacturing plants.

Report grain handling activities, including receiving, shipping, storage, cleaning, milling, grinding, handling (headhouse, elevators, conveyors), drying, flaking, or cooling.

Land development APEN: Form APCD-223.

Use this form for various development activities including excavation, grading, paving, etc.
You don't need to submit this form for projects fewer than 25 acres and less than six months. This form is not for sources that will operate for an indefinite period.

Land Development APEN: Form APCD-223 online submission tool.

Guidance document for land development APEN.

Land Development Emissions Calculator.

General Permit.

General permits offer a streamlined approach. Sources that can meet the criteria of emissions limitations and other operating conditions may qualify for a general permit. 

Mining operations APEN: Form APCD-222.
This form is for sand and gravel pits and surface coal mines.

Use the Crushers and screens APEN: Form APCD-221 to report crushing, screening, or other equipment operating at the site.


Permit Exemption
Surface mining activities that mine seventy thousand tons or fewer of product material per year are exempt from requiring a Permit. A fugitive dust control plan is required for such sources. Crushers, screens and other processing equipment activities are not included in this exemption. 

  • Reference: Regulation 3 Part B II.D.1.g.

Surface coating and solvent usage APEN: Form APCD-226.

Use this form to report:
  • Cleaning solvent
  • Coating
  • Painting
  • Volatile materials usage operations   


Guide Supplements:

APEN Exemptions

Chemical storage tanks or containers that hold less than five hundred gallons, and that have an annual average daily throughput of less than twenty-five gallons are exempt from requiring an APEN.

  • Reference: Regulation 3 Part A II.D.1.n. 

Chemical storage areas where chemicals are stored in closed containers, and where total storage capacity does not exceed five thousand gallons are exempt from requiring an APEN. This exemption applies solely to storage of such chemicals. This exemption does not apply to transfer of chemicals from, to, or between such containers. 

  • Reference: Regulation 3 Part A II.D.1.mm. 

Adhesive use that is not related to production is exempt from requiring an APEN.

  • Reference: Regulation 3 Part A II.D.1.y.



2. If you do not have one of the sources listed above, complete the General APEN    


5. Mail your complete application and payment to:

Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO 80246-1530

Fees may be paid by:

  • Submitting a check with the mailed in application
  • As of October 1, 2022, the Air Division no longer accepts Credit Card Authorizations through standard mail, email, or over the phone. If you need to pay APEN filing fee(s) and General Permit fee(s) with a credit card, you may use the Division’s online payment portal. If this is your first time using the payment portal, please follow the instructions in this guidance document.

Pay the APEN filing fee for each APEN submitted. More information about our fee structure is on our emissions and permitting fees page.
