Guidance for small businesses


Submitting an environmental justice summary, modeling requirements determination (APCD-Form 114), and APEN


Getting started

We recommend completing the steps below in the following order:

  1. Calculate your emissions to determine whether you are APEN and/or permit exempt.
  2. Begin filling out the APEN form.
  3. Complete the Environmental Justice Summary and Form 114. Submit both at the same time. These forms are generally processed within 14 days.
  4. Complete the APEN form. Wait to submit the APEN until you receive the following documentation from the Air Pollution Control Division to include with the APEN submission:
    • Letter of Concurrence for Environmental Justice Summary.
    • Form 114 Modeling Determination.


How to calculate your uncontrolled actual emissions


How to submit an Environmental Justice Summary

Do I need to submit an Environmental Justice Summary?

Almost all applicants must submit a complete Environmental Justice Summary prior to submitting their APEN permit application. As of July 15, 2024, permit applications submitted for the reasons listed in Regulation Number 3, Part B, Section III.B.5.e. and Part C, Section III.C.14.a. do not need to include an Environmental Justice Summary. 

Permit applications submitted for the following reasons are exempt from the requirement to include a verified environmental justice summary with the application:

  • Administrative permit amendments only (as defined in Section I.B.1.a. of Part A of this Regulation Number 3).
  • The application requests an overall decrease or no change in the annual emissions limits of each Affected Pollutant across the facility.
  • The application is for a modification at an existing source and a verified environmental justice summary has already been submitted with a permit application for the source using the most current version of the Disproportionately Impacted Community Layer of Colorado EnviroScreen incorporated into Regulation 3.
    • This exemption does not apply if the Disproportionately Impacted Community Layer of Colorado EnviroScreen incorporated into Regulation 3 has been updated since the last environmental justice summary was submitted for the source. 
      • Permit applicants relying on this exemption must state in their permit application that they have previously submitted an applicable summary and must identify the date the summary was verified by the Division.
    • For Title V operating permits only, a summary submitted and verified for a construction permit application may be used for an operating permit application if the following conditions apply:
      • The Disproportionately Impacted Community Layer of Colorado EnviroScreen incorporated into Regulation 3 has not been updated to a new version since the construction permit application was submitted;
      • The provisions of the construction permit are being incorporated into the operating permit.

The following sources are also exempt from Environmental Justice Summary requirements: 

  • APEN exempt sources; and
  • Permit exempt sources.

More information is provided in the submission guidance for Environmental Justice Summaries on the department’s Environmental Justice Report Tool for Air Quality Regulation 3 web page.


Steps to submitting an Environmental Justice Summary

  • Go to the Environmental Justice Report Tool for Air Quality Regulation 3 web page and open the Environmental  Justice Report Tool. 
  • Create and download an Environmental Justice Report for each census block group where the facility is located. 
    • Click the icon on the left side of the screen (shown below), then “+Add Location,” and select your location on the map, and “Next” to generate the Environmental Justice Report.

The “Generate EJ Report” tab in the Environmental Justice Report Tool for Air Quality Regulation 3.

Figure 1. The “Generate EJ Report” tab will appear on the left side of the screen. After finding the facility location in step one, click on the large teal icon with the four white squares to proceed to the next step.

  • Submit the Environmental Justice Report generated in Step 1, which includes a satellite image of the facility, to cdphe_apcd_ejreports@state.co.us
  • Include “EJ Summary” and the facility name in the subject line.
    • Note: There is no filing fee associated with submitting an Environmental Justice Summary.

  • Once you complete steps 1-3 above, wait to receive a Letter of Concurrence from the division. The division generally sends this letter within 14 days.

  • Submit the Letter of Concurrence, division-verified Environmental Justice Summary, and all supplemental information with your APEN.
    • Note: For sources applying for Title V permits, please note that all Title V forms, instructions, and guidance documents have been updated effective August 2023. For more information, please visit the Title V operating permits web page. We encourage all facilities – particularly those that will be reclassified as Title V facilities – to submit the required Environmental Justice Summary as soon as possible.

For more information, visit the department’s Environmental Justice Report Tool for Air Quality Regulation 3 web page.


How to submit a modeling requirements determination (APCD-114 Form)

Do I need to submit a Modeling Requirements Determination Form (Form-114)?

APCD-114 Form is required for all new facility applications and modifications, unless:

  • The project is exempt from APEN reporting requirements.
  • The project is exempt from construction permitting requirements.
  • The facility is not located within a cumulatively impacted community and you are submitting a request for modification that results in an increase in volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions only.
  • You are submitting a request for no emission increases or pure decreases in a permit modification.

Steps to submitting an APCD-114 Form

Complete APCD-114 Form in its entirety.

Questions #1-6: Use facility info from the APEN.

Questions #7-9: Use information generated in the Environmental Justice Summary.

Questions #10-11: If you are not applying for a General Permit, please skip these questions and leave blank. If applying for a General Permit, indicate which General Permit will be used for each source.

Question #12: Provide a map of your location.

Question #13: Report your facility’s emissions sources by completing the appropriate template table(s) provided below. Include information about emissions from the project modification, as well as the total facility emissions.

Question #15: Please provide information on buildings/structures located on-site and adjacent to the emissions source(s). Estimates are acceptable.

Question #16: Asks if this source has been modeled before. If the answer is “yes,” provide previous modeling demonstration(s).

Send the completed APCD-114 Form to: cdphe_apcd_modelingdeterminations@state.co.us.

Note: There is no fee associated with the processing of APCD-114 Form.

Once you submit the APCD-114 Form and supplemental information, you will receive a Determination of Modeling from the Division’s Permit Modeling Unit within 2 weeks of submission. (The process will take longer if all required information is not submitted). The determination from the Permit Modeling Unit will state whether modeling is required. You will include this Determination with your APEN submission. 

Note: If a “Determination of Modeling Required” is made, follow this Modeling Procedure Guidance

  1. For Construction Permits: the model assessment may be submitted to PMU concurrently with the CP submittal.
  2. For General Permits or Title V modifications: a model assessment must be submitted to the Permit Modeling Unit prior to submitting the General Permit or Title V modification, and a final Modeling Review Report completed by the unit must be submitted with the General Permit or Title V modification.

How to submit an air pollutant emissions notice (APEN)

Do I need to submit an APEN?

  • Emission sources that have uncontrolled actual emissions above APEN thresholds must file an APEN. 
  • APEN thresholds are different and dependent on whether the source is located in a nonattainment or attainment area. 
    • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are precursors to ozone. Businesses in the 8-hour ozone nonattainment area must therefore report at the nonattainment thresholds for those pollutants. All other pollutants are reported at the attainment thresholds.

  • Here is the list of all reportable hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) or non-criteria reportable pollutants. We recommend searching by CAS number as chemical names can vary. 
  • If your equipment/activity does not require you to submit an APEN, you can begin operating at any time. For more information read Allowable Activities Prior to Permit Issuance.
  • If your equipment/activity does require you to submit an APEN, but does not require you to obtain a construction permit, you can begin operating after you have submitted your APEN.
  • If your equipment/activity is required to obtain a construction permit, you must have an issued permit in place before starting operation. You must file the APENs before you start equipment operations that result in emissions.
    • Note: Different requirements apply to Title V sources. Please contact the permitting team if you have questions.
  • APENs must be renewed every 5 years, or sooner if changes occur (such as installation of new equipment, replacement of equipment, change of ownership, or significant change of emissions).

Steps to submitting an APEN:

  1. Identify the appropriate APEN(s) for your operation or equipment. If there is not a specific APEN type for your emission source, you may use the “General APEN” form.
    1. Oil & Gas APENS
    2. Non-Oil & Gas Industry APENS
    3. General APEN

Review and complete the application completeness checklist.

Note: Your application will be rejected if it is filled out incorrectly, is missing information, missing required forms, or lacks payment for the filing fee. The Form APCD-100 and all applicable forms on that checklist are required with every application. The re-submittal will require a new filing fee. See our Application Rejection Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.

The following application types are exempted from the requirement to submit the Permit Application/Registration Checklist (Form APCD-100): 

  • Air Pollutant Emission Notice (APEN) updates only (no changes to permit).
    • Renewal of 5-year APEN term.
    • Update to actual annual emissions, per AQCC Reg. 3, Part A, Section II.C.
  • APEN exempt sources.
  • Permit exempt sources.
  • Administrative permit amendments (including but not necessarily limited to name changes, changes in contact information, transfers of ownership, and typographical error corrections).

Submit payment for your APEN(s). The current filing fee for each APEN is $242.00.

Please submit the APEN(s), all supplemental attachments (including Letter of Concurrence for the Environmental Justice Summary, Modeling Determination, maps, and final Modeling Review Report, if required), a cover letter (optional), and copy of your payment receipts to: cdphe_apcd_ssp_application@state.co.us.


Contact us

If you are a small business and have a question regarding the application process, please contact: cdphe_apcd_sbap@state.co.us

For questions relating to environmental justice requirements, please contact: cdphe_apcd_ejreports@state.co.us

If you have questions regarding modeling and modeling determinations, please contact: cdphe_apcd_modelingdeterminations@state.co.us

For questions relating to Title V permits, please contact: cdphe_apcd_title_v@state.co.us