On this page: Overview | Milestone draft report | Plans, tracking, and strategies | Emission reduction strategies | Resources | Contact us
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In 2004, the CDPHE Air Pollution Control Division, National Park Service, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 8 formed the Rocky Mountain National Park Air Quality Initiative. The goal is to study and recommend actions to protect clean air. The main focus is to reduce atmospheric wet nitrogen deposition, which harms park ecosystems. Other major air quality challenges are ground-level ozone and regional haze.
Atmospheric wet nitrogen deposition is air pollution emitted from fossil fuel combustion, agricultural livestock and fertilizer management activities, and other sources along the Front Range, then deposited by rain or snow in the park. Under certain conditions, weather patterns can also transport nitrogen from regions outside of Colorado. The park’s high elevation natural areas, including alpine tundra, are especially susceptible to harm from excess nitrogen deposition.
Scientific research and measurements continue to shed new understanding about atmospheric nitrogen deposition and how it changes natural areas in the park. Two-thirds of the park is near or above treeline, creating fragile high-elevation ecosystems that park managers are responsible for protecting.
The state and federal agencies use a collaborative approach to develop and implement the Nitrogen Deposition Reduction Plan. The plan focuses on voluntary approaches to protect the park's unique resources.
Milestone draft report
In August 2024, the CDPHE Air Pollution Control Division, National Park Service, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 8 released the latest draft Rocky Mountain National Park 5-year milestone report. The agencies prepared the draft report in equal partnership. The draft report provides updates on work to lower nitrogen deposition in Rocky Mountain National Park.
Key takeaways include:
- State and federal agencies made progress towards the 2022 milestone goal for reducing nitrogen deposition within the park. Key progress includes:
- The 5-year average of wet nitrogen deposition decreased by 0.5 kilograms per hectare per year, reaching 2.8 kilograms per hectare per year in 2022. This is still 0.6 kilograms per hectare per year above the 2022 milestone goal.
- Agencies measured a 15% reduction in wet nitrogen deposition in 2022 compared to 2017.
- More nitrogen oxides and ammonia air pollution reductions and management measures are needed.
- State and federal agencies will identify these measures in collaboration with community members and partners during the next milestone period.
- State and federal agencies intend to reevaluate the 2007 Nitrogen Deposition Reduction Plan to refine and refocus ongoing collaborative work for future goals.
Public comment opportunities
The division extended the public comment period on the draft report by 30 days until Oct. 23, 2024. Submit comments to cdphe.commentsapcd@state.co.us using the subject line, “RMNP 5-year milestone report.” The division will review all public comments received. This feedback will help inform the final report and future planning, including the 2027 milestone goal.
Future commitments
CDPHE, EPA, and the National Park Service remain committed to working as equal partners on this initiative and achieving continued progress. The three agencies will renew their memorandum of understanding in 2024.
CDPHE will share future updates and publish the final plan on this web page.
Previous milestone reports
- 2017 Milestone report.
- 2012 Milestone report.
- 2017 & 2012 Milestone report documents (public comments, errata sheet, and commission presentations).
Plans, tracking, and strategies
- Appendix A: NOx Control Options for Existing and New Coal Fired Boilers.
- Appendix B: Use of Lowest Achievable Emission Rate (LAER).
- Appendix C: Proposed Implementation of BART to all major sources Statewide.
- Appendix D: NOx/NH3 Emissions Cap and Trade Program.
- Appendix E: Pollution Prevention (P2) and Voluntary Reductions.
- Appendix F: Alternative/Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Requirements.
- Appendix G: Local Vehicle Miles Traveled Reductions.
- Appendix H: Proposed Implementation of California Low Emission Vehicle (LEV II) Standards Statewide.
- Appendix I: Off-Road and Small Engine California Standards (NOx, VOCs, PM).
- Appendix J: Proposed Implementation of NOx Controls on New and Existing Engines Statewide.
- Appendix K: Agriculture Best Management Practices.
- Appendix L: Adopt More Stringent Ambient Standards.
- Appendix M: Point Source Ammonia Controls.
- Appendix N: Proposed Implementation of Expansion of 1-hour VOC RACT Requirements to the Entire 8-hour Early Action Compact Area.
- Appendix O: Proposed Implementation of Stage II Vapor Recovery Statewide and in the North Front Range.
- Appendix P: Proposed Implementation of Additional Condensate Tank Flash Controls in EAC Area.
- Appendix Q: Reformulated Gasoline (VOCs and NOx).
- Appendix R: Reduced Gasoline Volatility (VOCs).
- Appendix S: Repeal Ethanol Waiver (VOCs).
- Appendix T: Agriculture Sector Information.
- Appendix U: Evaluation of Meteorological Data Grid Resolution on Airmass Transport Rocky Mountain NP.
- Appendix V: Options to Reduce Ammonia Emissions.
- Memorandum of Understanding for Interagency Collaboration.
Developed in case milestones in the primary Nitrogen Reduction Plan aren’t reached.
- Ammonia Reduction.
- Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Reduction.
- National Atmospheric Deposition Program.
- National air emissions monitoring study.
- EPA agriculture sector information.
- USDA Air Quality Strategic Vision.
- Ozone Designation mapping tool.
- National Park Service air quality at Rocky Mountain National Park.
- Rocky Mountain National Park petition by Environmental Defense Fund and Colorado Trout Unlimited, Sept. 1, 2004.
Contact us
Questions? Email cdphe.commentsapcd@state.co.us.
All Rocky Mountain National Park Initiative documents are archived and are available upon request. To request archived information, email cdphe_apcd_records@state.co.us.