Environmental Justice Summary Dashboard

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Ayuda en el idioma de su preferencia: ofrecemos asistencia en el idioma de su preferencia, sin cargo alguno. Si desea solicitar asistencia en español o en otro idioma, envíe un correo electrónico a cdphe_apcd_outreach@state.co.us. Indique el tema y la frase “language assistance” (asistencia en otro idioma) como asunto de su mensaje. De ser posible, incluya un enlace a la información que desea consultar, como la página web o el documento.


A complete Environmental Justice Summary is required for most new or modified air permits submitted to the CDPHE Air Pollution Control Division. Applicants must submit an Environmental Justice Summary prior to submitting their permit application. The Environmental Justice Summary Dashboard provides data on when Environmental Justice Summaries are verified by the division. It serves as an early notification about potential future air permits in your community.

For more information on Air Quality Regulation 3 and the Environmental Justice Report Tool, visit the Environmental Justice in air permitting website

Environmental Justice Summary Dashboard

The Environmental Justice Summary Dashboard is an online tool that allows users to access information on Environmental Justice Summaries reviewed and verified by the CDPHE Air Pollution Control Division for specific facilities. 

The Environmental Justice Summary Dashboard can provide information on:

  • Whether a facility is located in a Disproportionately Impacted Community.
  • The total number of Environmental Justice Summaries processed by the division.
  • When an Environmental Justice Summary was most recently verified by the division for a given facility.
Map of Colorado in the Environmental Justice Summary Dashboard.

Figure 1. The Environmental Justice Summary Dashboard map shows facilities that have and have not completed an Environmental Justice Summary. Disproportionately impacted communities are shown in orange. Facilities with a completed Environmental Justice Summary are displayed as a purple star. Facilities without a completed Environmental Justice Summary are displayed as an orange circle. The table below the map lists the facilities within a one-mile radius of the selected zip code. The tracker above the map indicates the number of Environmental Justice Summaries processed across Colorado, and whether or not they were in a Socioeconomically Vulnerable Community, a Cumulatively Impacted Community, both, or a non-Disproportionately Impacted Community. 

Online tutorials

The air division hosted two live online tutorials about how to use the Environmental Summary Dashboard. Topics covered in the presentation include:

  • What Environmental Justice Summaries are.
  • How to find Environmental Justice Summaries for projects submitted in your
  • neighborhood or throughout Colorado. 
  • How Environmental Justice reports help inform permitting teams and air permit applicants about disproportionately impacted communities.
  • More ways to engage with the Air Pollution Control Division.

Review meeting materials:

User guidance

Frequently asked questions

What is the Environmental Justice Summary Dashboard?

The Environmental Justice Summary Dashboard is an online tool where users can view, access, and download data on Environmental Justice Summaries reviewed and verified by the CDPHE Air Pollution Control Division for specific facilities.  


How can I access the Environmental Justice Summary Dashboard?

Use this link to access the Environmental Justice Summary Dashboard.  

What information is available in the Environmental Justice Summary Dashboard?

The dashboard shows the total number of Environmental Justice Summaries verified by the CDPHE Air Pollution Control Division to date. Users can search by zip code, or company and facility name, to identify:

  • Facilities that have and have not completed an Environmental Justice Summary.
  • When a facility completes an Environmental Justice Summary.
  • Whether a facility is located in a Disproportionately Impacted Community or not. 

For more information about Environmental Justice Summaries, visit the environmental justice in air permitting web page and the associated frequently asked questions web page.

How is the information in the Environmental Justice Summary Dashboard relevant to community members?

A complete Environmental Justice Summary is required for most new or modified air permits submitted to the CDPHE Air Pollution Control Division. Applicants must submit an Environmental Justice Summary prior to submitting their permit application. This tool provides data on when Environmental Justice Summaries are verified by the division. It serves as an early notification about potential future air permits in your community.

Where can I learn more about the permitting requirements for a Socioeconomically Vulnerable Community or Cumulatively Impacted Community?

Visit the CDPHE Air Pollution Control Division’s Environmental Justice in air permitting web page, which includes a guidance document with detailed information, and frequently asked questions web page.

Visit the Disproportionately impacted community permitting rule web page for more information about the rule.


What is the definition of a Disproportionately Impacted Community and how was it decided?

Visit the frequently asked questions for environmental justice in air permitting web page for more information. 


How can I submit feedback on this tool?

We welcome your feedback so we can continue to make this tool as user-friendly, accessible, and useful as possible. Please fill out the data visualization user feedback form to share your feedback.

How do I use the Environmental Justice Summary Dashboard?

Visit the tool’s user guide for step-by-step instructions.


Can I use the Environmental Justice Summary Dashboard on my tablet or mobile device?

For the best user experience, use the tool on a desktop or laptop computer. Some functions are not compatible with a smaller screen size.


Who can I contact with questions or technical assistance?

Please email cdphe_apcd_ejreports@state.co.us with “Environmental Justice Summary Dashboard” in the subject line. If possible, attach a screenshot of the issue and a detailed description.


Who can I contact with a digital accommodation request?

Visit CDPHE’s digital accessibility web page for more information.


How often is the Environmental Justice Summary Dashboard updated?

The Environmental Justice Summary Dashboard is updated weekly.

For information about how to submit a complete Environmental Justice Summary, visit the environmental justice in air permitting web page

  • The division’s Environmental Justice in Permitting team reviews the complete and accurate Environmental Justice Summary materials submitted by a permit applicant. Once reviewed for accuracy and completion, the Environmental Justice in Permitting team approves the Environmental Justice Summary by sending the facility a verification number and letter of concurrence verifying the Environmental Justice Summary.

What does it mean if an Environmental Justice Summary has no completion date listed on the Environmental Justice Dashboard?

When a facility does not include a completion date it can mean a facility’s Environmental Justice Summary is still under review by the division.


Are there more CDPHE air division data tools that I can use?

For more CDPHE Air Pollution Control Division data tools, visit the division's data access web page.


How do I request a copy of an Environmental Justice Summary for a particular facility?

Please email cdphe_apcd_ejreports@state.co.us with “Environmental Justice Summary” and the facility name in the subject line. The Environmental Justice in Air Permitting team will provide a digital copy of the Environmental Justice Summary requested.

Disproportionately impacted community permitting rule

For more information, visit the disproportionately impacted community permitting rule web page.

Contact us

For questions about the Environmental Justice Summary Dashboard, please email cdphe_apcd_ejreports@state.co.us with “EJ Dashboard” in the subject line.

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For questions about air permits more broadly or specific air permits requirements, visit the division’s APENs and air permits web page.