Steps to apply for emission reduction credits:
Check that your request meets these criteria. All emission reduction credits must meet all of the following:
Surplus - means the emission reduction is not required by current regulations, relied on for state implementation plan planning purposes, and not used to meet any other regulatory requirement.
Permanent - means the reduction is unending or indefinite.
Quantifiable - means the actual emissions reduced are able to be calculated.
- Federally enforceable - means the reduction is enforceable through rule or permit.
Submit a complete creation form (Form APCD-601) and complete permit application. A complete application will have everything found in this checklist:
ERC Creation Application (Form APCD-601)
Air Pollution Emission Notice (APEN) forms and associated fees
Company Contact Information Form (Form APCD-101)
Facility-Wide Emissions Inventory Form (Form APCD-102)
Supporting documentation for emissions calculations, which may include emission factor verification, model inputs and outputs, manufacturer data, stack testing results, etc.
Records of emissions, hours of operation, and actual operating conditions for the baseline period of two years (24 months) immediately prior to the date the application is received
Regulatory Analysis
Any other information required under Regulation Number 3, Part A, Section V
Shut down equipment or make emission reduction modification.
Shutdown or emission reduction must occur AFTER receipt of confirmation of a complete application. Construction on new or modified equipment is subject to the permitting requirements in Regulation Number 3, Part B, Section II.A.1.
Important details:
Within 60 calendar days, we will notify you if your application is complete. After we have received a complete application, we will review the materials and determine whether or not to grant the credit. If you are granted the credit, you will receive an ERC certificate and a permit that outlines the specific operational requirements for the source of the emission reductions.
Once you have received your ERC certificate, your ERC information will be presented in the ERC registry.
Additional resources:
- Emission reduction credits registry.
- Change ownership of emission reduction credits.
- Use emissions reduction credits.
- Frequently Asked Questions.
- Fact sheet.
Emission reduction credit materials
- Instructions and Support Manual.
- Request to Create Form (Form APCD-601).
- Intent to Use Form (Form APCD-602).
- Change in Credit Ownership Form (Form APCD-603).