Clean Fleet Enterprise - Ten-Year Plan

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The Clean Fleet Enterprise (CFE) Board approved this Ten-Year Plan on May 26, 2022:

CFE Board Work Sessions on Ten-Year Plan

The FHU/CDPHE team provided CFE Board members with summaries of stakeholder engagement activities and input for this plan in Spring 2022, helping to focus on program development and priorities for the Ten-Year Plan.

These meetings were held live before a public audience. If you could not participate in these meetings, we still invite you to provide comments about the CFE Ten-Year Plan by emailing them to CDPHE_CleanFleets@state.co.us

Stakeholder Outreach

Felsburg Holt & Ullevig (FHU) held a series of Stakeholder Input Meetings for specific audiences in March 2022.
If you could not participate in these meetings, we still invite you to provide comments about the CFE Ten-Year Plan by emailing them to CDPHE_CleanFleets@state.co.us

For Disproportionately Impacted Communities:

For Transportation Network Companies:

For Varied Audiences:

FHU conducted a "Programs and Priorities Survey" in April 2022, and will publish the results from that soon. 
If you could not complete this survey, we still invite you to provide comments about the CFE Ten-Year Plan by emailing them to CDPHE_CleanFleets@state.co.us