Electronic submission frequently asked questions


Find more information on creating an account and using the online submission tool below. If you have additional questions about the process, please email cdphe_apcd_salesforce@state.co.us.

As of October 2024, the division is accepting some air forms through the portal, including:

  • Environmental Justice Summary.
  • Notice of Startup.
  • Relocation Notice.
  • Land Development Air Pollutant Emissions Notice (APEN).
  • APEN for Crematory operations.
  • APEN for Crushers/screens.
  • APEN for Fuel service stations.
  • APEN for Surface coating operations.

Through this submission tool, users can also submit payment for any appropriate APEN and General Permit fees.  

The division will continue to expand the online submission tool with more electronic forms in 2024 and beyond. During that time, the division anticipates launching the following forms using this new online submission process: 

  • APEN for Well Production Facility (GP09/10).

Yes, you need to create an account to use the tool. You can begin the process of creating an account by sending an email to cdphe_apcd_salesforce@state.co.us. This will allow the division to create an account and user rights for you. After an account is created, you will receive an email with further instructions to use the tool.  

As the tool is further developed, users will be able to create an account on their own. When this enhancement is available, more instructions will be provided.

You will be able to, just not yet. The Air Pollution Control Division is undergoing a 3-4 year data modernization project aimed, among other things, at making all forms and reports fully electronic.

In addition to the electronic forms currently available, the division is developing other APEN and permitting forms.

We are also working to build the Title V operating permit (major sources) application process into this online environment.

No, you do not still need to submit a paper APEN after submitting one with this online tool. Submitting an APEN, along with the payment of fees through this online tool is all that needs to be done. However, if you need to submit additional APENs that are not yet in this electronic environment, then a paper APEN will need to be submitted for those sources.

APCD created a guidance manual to help you use our online tool.

Yes, you will be able to pay your APEN filing fee and General Permit fees using this tool. As you are completing the APEN form, you will be asked to click on the link to the payment portal and submit payment. We are working to make this payment process more seamless. In the meantime, you can consult our guidance document for submitting a payment. That guidance document is available at the bottom of the screen when visiting our revenue payment portal. In addition, a link to the guidance document is available on the payment section of the APEN form for land development projects.

No, not all land development projects need an APEN. If your project is smaller than 25 contiguous acres AND less than six months in total duration, then an APEN is not needed. However, an APEN is required if your project will be larger than 25 acres OR more than six months.

Yes, you still need to complete the Environmental Justice Summary form before submitting your APEN. Visit the Environmental Justice in Permitting web page for more information.

If an Environmental Justice Summary is required, you must include an Environmental Justice Summary verification number with your permit application.

Upon completion of the Environmental Justice Summary Form, users will be notified if they also need to submit the Modeling Determination Form (APCD-Form 114). The Modeling Determination Form is now available online and users can submit theis form using their account. For more information, visit:

For APENs submitted using the online submission tool, the Permit Application/Registration Checklist (Form APCD-100) is not required. The online forms are being constructed in a way to require users to only submit data and information as needed for your project.  

For APENs that are being submitted using the former method, the Permit Application/Registration Checklist (Form APCD-100) is still required. Unless your project is categorically exempt from APEN and/or permitting requirements, Form APCD-100 is required and should be attached to the APEN submission.

Yes. Below are a few more tools that may be useful:

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