- Portal: for public water systems, their representatives, and laboratories to submit drinking water information to us.
- Monitoring schedules.
- AIMS Tool (Am I Missing Something)(opens in new window)
- This tool can be used to determine whether routine total coliform and chlorine residual reporting requirements were met.
- Draft Consumer Confidence Reports (water quality reports).
- Technical Support for LCRR service line inventory and lead service line replacement planning for community and non-transient, non-community systems serving < 15,000 people. This program is full, and is currently operating on a waitlist. LCRR service line inventories are due by October 16, 2024.
Test your water
- Water testing.
- Water testing frequently requested information.
- List of certified drinking water laboratories certifications.
Data and Consumer Information
Guidance and forms
- Guidance and forms by topic.
- Need to update a system's contact, email, or address? Submit a contact update form (video instructions(opens in new window)). Correspondence is emailed to the administrative contact, operators, and owner. Anything mailed is sent only to the administrative contact (excluding enforcement orders). Current contact information can be found using our guide to finding water system information(opens in new window).
- CT for giardia and viruses(opens in new window) | 90th Percentile for Lead and Copper(opens in new window).
- Locational Running Annual Average (LRAA) for TTHM and HAA5(opens in new window) | Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Removal Ratio(opens in new window).
- Call 303-692-3308 for potential acute situations or high results. If busy, or fails to connect, you may also call 720-295-4632.
- Positive coliform or Positive E. coli.
- Nitrate greater than or equal to 10.0 mg/L or Nitrite greater than or equal to 1.0 mg/L.
- Surface water high turbidity or inadequate disinfection.
- Chlorine dioxide greater than or equal to 0.8 mg/L or Chlorite greater than or equal to 1.0 mg/L.
- Report general concern or emergency
- General phone: 303-692-3556.
- Individual Contacts:
- Public water system's click on county in map below or search table by county and type to find your primary compliance contact.
- Trouble viewing or need full screen? Open individual contacts in new window.(opens in new window)