SWAP assessment phase and reports


Assessment information

We determine where each public water system's source water comes from, what contaminant sources potentially threaten it and how susceptible each water source is to potential contamination. The susceptibility of a water source is determined by examining the properties of its physical setting and potential contaminant source threats.

  • Contractor documents
  • Program plan.
  • Assessment methods.
    An overview of the final assessment methods used by us is explained in two documents. One document outlines the methodology used to assess surface water sources and groundwater sources under the direct influence of surface water. The other document outlines the methodology used to assess groundwater sources. Select the document below that corresponds to the types of drinking water sources noted in your source water assessment report.
  • Reports narrative
    The source water assessment and protection assessment reports are a brief l overview that evaluates the following:
    • The susceptibility of each water source to potential contaminant sources.
    • The most prevalent and most threatening types of contaminant sources.
    • The vulnerability of each water source. The assessment evaluates both individual and cumulative risks from potential contamination.
    • The total susceptibility rating for each water source in the report indicates the potential cumulative contamination risks to the untreated source water.
    • The total susceptibility rating factors are evaluated for each potential contaminant source, in addition to the size of the source water assessment area.
    • The susceptibility of the water source(s) with similar water sources in Colorado.
    • The susceptibility ratings are designed to help communities evaluate those risks and develop protection measures.
    • Assessment reports were completed for public water systems that were active in our drinking water database when the project began in March 2001.Its important to note the following: Public water systems and new water sources active after March 2001 weren't evaluated and don’t have a source water assessment report.
    • Public water systems that purchase their drinking water from another public water system won\'t have a separate assessment. In these cases, the website will take you directly to the water system that sells water to your system.
    • There may be more than one report for your system based on source type (i.e. Groundwater vs. surface water).

Find your public water system's report

  • The report doesn't contain if a contamination problem has occurred or will occur.
  • The results aren't a reflection of the current quality of the untreated source water, nor are they a reflection of the quality of treated drinking water.
  • The report is just a starting point for systems to evaluate potential contaminant risks and move towards source water protection.Systems have identified some previous data inconsistencies and are encouraged to update contaminant concerns through source water protection planning.
  • Search for reports using name or last 6 digits of PWSID. Reports are also listed by county.