The division designed its reclaimed water program to promote the use of reclaimed water in Colorado. It includes requirements for reclaimed water to meet minimal standards and for treaters and users of reclaimed water to employ best management practices and oversee its use.
Applications submitted through email
Seepage waiver applications for treaters and users with reclaimed water impoundments
The Regulation 84 Rulemaking in 2022 established requirements (Regulation 84, Sections 84.6(F)(10) and 84.10(A)(14)) for impoundments containing reclaimed water to either:
- Meet the allowable seepage rate in Regulation 61.14(9)(a) and obtain a seepage waiver, or
- obtain a surface or groundwater discharge permit.
Treaters must work with their users to submit a Seepage Waiver Application for Reclaimed Water Impoundment for each impoundment that contains reclaimed water.
Email the application to the division, and be sure to include “Seepage Waiver Application for Reclaimed Water Impoundment” in the subject line.
If you submitted liner specifications to the division with a User Plan to Comply (UPC)/User Application and Site Management Plan (UASMP) in previous years, send your authorization number (e.g. COEXXXXXX) to the division, which will determine whether a seepage waiver application is necessary or whether the impoundment liner has already received approval.
The division encourages treaters and their users to submit this application as soon as possible to ensure ample time for division review, issuance of seepage waivers, potential addition of a compliance schedule, and/or further instructions.
Reclaimed water impoundments must meet these conditions by August 14, 2027.
Water quality planning targets (WQPT’s) application and engineering review
Before completing a treater application, you must complete and submit a Reclaimed Water Quality Planning Target Application to the division. Engineering must review and approve the facility design before issuing a treater authorization.
Email the application to the division, and be sure to include “Reclaimed Water Quality Planning Target Application” in the subject line.
Applications submitted through the reuse application form
Treater applications
Download and complete the Treater Application form and submit using the reuse application submission form.
- Treater Application - Localized Reclaimed Water Treatment Systems Form
- Treater Application - Centralized Reclaimed Water Treatment Systems Form
Please refer to the guidance document for the submission process for this form.
If the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code is unknown, use the Standard Industrial Classification System Search and the “keywords” search function (e.g., irrigation, road construction, oil and gas).
User applications
Download and complete the UASMP form and submit using the reuse application submission form. If you have questions about the UASMP, direct them to the authorized treater, who will supply the user with reclaimed water.
- UASMP - Landscape Irrigation Form
- UASMP - Industrial Uses Form
- UASMP - Oil and Gas Operations Form
- UASMP - Commercial Uses Form
- UASMP - Fire Protection Form
- UASMP - Toilet and Urinal Flushing Form
- UASMP - Commercial Food Crop Growing Operations Form
- UASMP - Non-Commercial Food Crop Growing Operations Form
- UASMP - Resident-Controlled Food Crop Irrigation Form
- UASMP - Edible and Non-edible Hemp Form
- UASMP - Non-Food Crop Irrigation and Silviculture Form
Applications for changes to treater and user authorizations
Download and complete the appropriate application and submit using the reuse application submission form for changes made per Regulation 84.6 (E) (7) for treaters and 84.9 (E) (5) for users. Do not complete a new TREATER APPLICATION or UASMP form to change a contact, modify, or terminate a treater or user authorization.
- Reuse change of contact application (Use if a legally responsible individual, site contact, facility contact, or site manager is changing.).
- Reuse transfer application (Use if transferring ownership of an existing treater or user authorization.) This requires submitting a new UASMP.
- Reuse modification application (Refer to 84.6(E)(7) and 84.9(E)(5)).
- Termination application
- Terminate all permit types not managed in the Colorado Environmental Online Services (CEOS) system.
- Termination application reclamation water supplement
- When terminating a discharge permit using the discharge as reclaimed water, a supplemental form is required.
Policies and guidelines
- WQP-21: Guidelines for determination of agronomic rate for application of reclaimed water under Colorado Regulation 84
- WQP-25: Monitoring and reporting requirements for reclaimed water treatment facilities
- CW-7: Reporting of surface water discharge associated with residential and landscape irrigation
- Guidance for completing nitrogen agronomic rate analysis
- Guidance and flowchart to become an authorized reclaimed water treater
- CW-18 Localized Reclaimed Water Treatment System Requirement Implementation Under Regulation 84
Reclaimed water external resources
Brandi Honeycutt, Permits Section
303-692-6357 | brandi.honeycutt@state.co.us
Liz Lemonds, Compliance Unit
303-692-3515 | liz.lemonds@state.co.us