Watershed-based planning helps address the diffuse nature of NPS pollution in a holistic approach by fully assessing potential causes and sources of pollution, then prioritizing restoration and protection strategies to implement Best Management Practices (BMPs) to improve water quality.
The EPA identified nine (9) minimum elements as the primary planning framework for Section 319 watershed projects that restore impaired waters:
- Identify the causes and sources of pollution that need to be controlled;
- Estimate load reductions needed to meet water quality standards;
- Describe management measures and targeted critical areas needed to achieve identified load reductions;
- Estimate technical and financial assistance needed;
- Develop an information and education component;
- Develop a project schedule;
- Describe interim, measurable milestones;
- Identify indicators to measure progress; and
- Develop a monitoring component.
Colorado Watershed Plans
A GIS map of Colorado’s watershed-based plan coverage as well as links to each watershed plan is available here: Pending watershed plans are also identified below.
Colorado State University’s Environmental Resource Assessment and Management System (eRAMS) allows users to explore and analyze watersheds for planning and implementation. Several of these tools were developed in partnership with the NPS Program, including the Watershed Rapid Assessment Program (WRAP), and can be found on the NPS Project Resources Page.
EPA’s Critical Source Area Identification and BMP Selection: Supplement to Watershed Planning Handbook.
EPA’s Handbook for Developing Watershed Plans to Restore and Protect our Waters.
EPA’s How’s My Waterway?
- EPA’s Quick Guide to Developing Watershed Plans to Restore and Protect Our Waters
Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs).
Water Quality Control Division GIS Data.
Water Quality Public Perceptions Survey and Focus Groups.
Example Watershed-Based Plans:
Cache la Poudre River Watershed-Based Plan.
Lower Arkansas River Watershed Plan: John Martin to State-line.
Additional Water Quality Planning Information.
Colorado's Enhanced State Hazard Mitigation Plan (E-SHMP).
Colorado’s Regional Section 208 Plans.
Colorado’s Statewide Water Quality Management Plan.
Colorado’s Stream Management Plans.
Regional Water Quality Management Plans.