Enforcement actions against Suncor


Summary: The State’s Air Pollution Control Division (APCD) has settled ten enforcement actions against Suncor since 2011. The Air Pollution Control Division’s  enforcement authority is provided via statute (see 25-7-115 C.R.S.) and the process typically followed is described in the division’s Compliance Assistance and Enforcement Guide. Formal enforcement actions are typically initiated via issuance of a Compliance Advisory, which is a document that formally puts the company on notice regarding the division’s findings of alleged violations. Formal enforcement actions may be finalized through a variety of documents, but most often are finalized via a settlement document (Compliance Order on Consent or Early Settlement Agreement). Below are the copies of recent Compliance Advisories issued to and settlements with Suncor, as well as a link to the guidance document. 


Enforcement Guidance

The division is responsible for enforcing the state’s air pollution laws and regulations. In carrying out this responsibility, the division works with regulated entities (e.g., sources) in proactively addressing sources’ compliance needs. The division also performs traditional enforcement services, including facility site inspections. With respect to the division’s enforcement functions, the division may, depending upon the results of its investigations, initiate an enforcement action. This Compliance Assistance and Enforcement Guide addresses both the division’s preventative and enforcement functions.