Changes to Greenhouse Gas Reporting Requirements (Air Quality Control Commission Regulation 22, Part A)



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Tenga en cuenta: Si desea solicitar interpretación al español, envíe un mensaje por correo electrónico a cdphe_apcd_outreach@state.co.us.



The Air Pollution Control Division is requesting a rulemaking to update the existing Air Quality Control Commission Regulation 22. Specifically, the division is proposing changes to Part A, the greenhouse gas reporting rule.

The purpose of the update is to align Colorado’s greenhouse gas reporting program with updated Federal reporting requirements for greenhouse gas emissions under 40 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 98 (Part 98). This includes new reporting requirements for affected facilities in areas such as: 

  • Geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide with enhanced oil recovery using International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 27916.
  • Coke calciners.
  • Calcium carbide production.
  • Caprolactam, glyoxal, and glyoxylic acid production.
  • Ceramics production.

Other changes to Part 98 that will be covered as part of this rulemaking are:

  • Updates to emission reporting requirements.
  • Updates to how emissions are estimated.
  • Improvements to how data are confirmed to be accurate.
  • Clarifications and corrections to existing subparts in Part 98.  

The division will also propose updates to expand greenhouse gas reporting requirements to all municipal solid waste landfills across Colorado. Currently, only municipal solid waste landfills required to report greenhouse gases under federal requirements must report their greenhouse gas emissions to Colorado. The proposed expanded reporting requirements would help Colorado better understand greenhouse gas emissions from municipal solid waste landfills and improve the state’s greenhouse gas inventory. 


Public participation opportunities

Virtual public feedback meetings

June 4, 2024, 6-8 p.m. at the midstream oil and gas reduction planning public meeting.

June 8, 2024, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at the midstream oil and gas reduction planning public meeting.


Contact us

Questions? Email cdphe_climatechange@state.co.us.