Approved indoor burning devices


Certain brands and models of burning devices are exempt from the regulation that bans indoor burning in the seven-county metro Denver area on air quality Action Days, and may be exempt from other municipal or county restrictions on burning devices. Check with your local jurisdiction for more information.
These devices have been approved by Colorado or certified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and are designed to emit low levels of pollution:

Burning Restrictions

Indoor wood burning restrictions must be followed in the restricted area unless the device is exempt. Restrictions apply November-March during air quality Action Days. The restricted area includes Denver, Boulder, Broomfield, Douglas, and Jefferson counties below 7,000 feet and areas west of Kiowa Creek in Adams and Arapahoe counties.


If any of the following are true, a device is exempt from burning restrictions:

Colorado Regulation 4

  • The law about indoor burning restrictions

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