The Water Quality Control Division is conducting a stakeholder process in 2021 to consider comments on the draft proposal of changes to Regulation 84, and to collect feedback on considerations for alternative processes to authorize new uses under Regulation 84. The draft proposal was developed in response to the stakeholder process conducted in 2020 regarding the improvement of Regulation 84 for efficiency, readability, and implementation. The first stakeholder meeting was held on May 6, 2021, to discuss comments on the draft proposed changes and concluded on July 27, 2021. To view the meeting materials, visit this public folder.
The division drafted a proposal to update Regulation 84 and it is available for public comment through Friday, October 22, 2021. The Water Quality Control Commission is set to hear the proposed regulation in May 2022.
How to get involved
Engagement overview
The proposed schedule for outreach and implementation is as follows:
- Issue draft proposal and solicit feedback from stakeholders, due by October 22, 2021.
- Host virtual stakeholder meetings in spring of 2021 to discuss feedback on the draft proposal and consider ideas for alternative processes to authorize new uses under Regulation 84.
- Propose draft changes to Water Quality Control Commission during a hearing scheduled for May 2022.
Meeting information and materials
The division hosted a series of stakeholder meetings in 2021. Meeting materials for the 2021 stakeholder process are available in the division's public folder.
The rulemaking hearing with the Water Quality Control Commission is set for May 2022. To learn more, visit the commission's public participation website.
Previous stakeholder meeting materials
Meeting materials from the stakeholder engagement process can be accessed by clicking the links below:
Food crops and hemp stakeholder process
The Water Quality Control Commission conducted a rulemaking process to approve the uses of food crop and hemp irrigation. Information about the rulemaking process, documents, and commission materials can be found in the links below.
For questions and additional information about the Reg. 84 draft proposal, email Brandi Honeycutt at brandi.honeycutt@state.co.us.
For questions or comments related to the engagement process or this website, email cdphe.commentswqcd@state.co.us.