Colorado Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) program for automakers

Beginning with the 2022 model year, each manufacturer must report to CDPHE using the same format used to report this information to the California Air Resources Board (CARB), the fleet average non-methane organic gas plus oxides of nitrogen and greenhouse gas emissions of its fleet delivered for sale in Colorado. 

Please submit your LEV Report to CDPHE in either of the following ways:

  • E-mail to cdphe_colevzev@state.co.us.  

  • U.S. Mail to 
    CDPHE - Low Emission Vehicle Program
    Attn.: Ning Wigraisakda 
    4300 Cherry Creek Drive South 
    Denver, CO 80246 

Annual Reports must be submitted by the following dates: 

  • Non-methane organic gas plus oxides of nitrogen (NMOG+NOx) must be submitted to CDPHE no later than March 1 of the calendar year succeeding the end of the model year (e.g., model year 2022 NMOG+NOx reports are due March 1, 2023). 
  • Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reports must be submitted to CDPHE no later than May 1 of the calendar year succeeding the end of the model year (e.g., model year 2022 GHG reports are due May 1, 2023). 

Citation: AQCC Regulation Number 20, Part B IV.B 


If your report(s) contains confidential, proprietary, and/or trade secret information, please designate the attachments as such and APCD staff will review the content accordingly. Additionally, you must submit two versions of the confidential information. One version will contain all confidential information and will not be released or disclosed publicly. The second version must have confidential information redacted by the submitter. This second version will be available for release and disclosed publicly.