We have adopted water and energy efficiency standards for many consumer and commercial products. The standards are based on federal Energy Star and WaterSense specifications, industry standards, or as otherwise specified by statute (C.R.S. 6-7.5).
The standards apply to new products sold, leased, or rented in the state. Products designed for recreational vehicles, installed in mobile homes at the time of construction, or held in inventory before the effective date of the standard are exempted.
The standards will be phased-in over a period of 3 years, beginning with plumbing fixtures in 2019, general service lamps in 2020, general products in 2021, and air compressors and portable air conditioners in 2022. The act keeps in place the water efficiency standards on certain products that were added to the statute in 2014.
The sale of noncomplying products is defined as a “deceptive trade practice” under the Colorado Consumer Protection Act. The sale of noncomplying products after the effective date of the applicable standard is punishable through a civil enforcement action by the attorney general, with penalties of up to $2,000 per violation or, in the case of the sale of a noncomplying product to an elderly person, $10,000 per violation.
The standards do not preempt local governments from prescribing additional or more restrictive water conservation or energy efficiency requirements affecting the sale or use of plumbing fixtures, appliances, or other products.
Additional information
- Environmental Standards for Appliances Guidance.
- Environmental Standards for Appliances presentation.