On this page: Open public comment opportunities | Submit comments | More ways to stay involved
Help in your language: Some documents are currently only available in English. To request assistance in Spanish or another language, email cdphe_apcd_outreach@state.co.us. Please include the topic and “language assistance” in the subject line. Please also link to the specific document or information you’d like to access.
Ayuda en el idioma de su preferencia: algunos documentos solo están disponibles en inglés por el momento. Si desea solicitar asistencia en español o en otro idioma, envíe un correo electrónico a cdphe_apcd_outreach@state.co.us. Indique el tema y la frase “language assistance” (asistencia en otro idioma) como asunto de su mensaje. Incluya también un enlace a la información o documento que desea consultar.
Open public comment opportunities
The following items are available for public comment:
- The division opens numerous air permits for public comment each month. The division encourages anyone interested in air permits to visit the air permits public notices web page and sign-up to receive email updates by subscribing to “Air Permit Public Notices.”
- Round 2 Regional Haze Progress Report – Submit public comments through January 13, 2025.
- Colorado continues to remain on track to demonstrate reasonable progress for the Regional Haze Program through 2028 and beyond.
- Emissions statewide continue to decline through regulatory and policy actions in recent years.
- Colorado’s continued focus on reducing emissions from the oil and gas sector, mobile sources, and electric power generation are expected to result in reductions in regional haze and related air pollutants into the future.
Submit comments
Send comments or questions to: cdphe.commentsapcd@state.co.us. Please include your name and organization, if applicable.
Envíe sus preguntas o comentarios a: cdphe.commentsapcd@state.co.us. Indique su nombre y la organización a la que pertenece, si corresponde.
More ways to stay involved
The division also shares upcoming public participation opportunities on its website and tips for submitting effective public comments.