Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control

The Water Quality Control Division (division) would like to thank stakeholders for their engaged and thoughtful involvement and comments throughout the process of developing a draft update to the BPCCC Rule and a draft updated policy and annual reporting template.

Based on comments received in July - the division has finalized the updates to Policy 7 and placed comments and responses in the materials folder.  The Water Quality Control Commission voted unanimously to take final action on the proposed BPCCC rule updates on August 14, 2023.  The new rule will become effective in September or October (as determined by the Secretary of State's office). 


The division started the stakeholder effort to update Policy 7 related to the BPCCC Rule on April 20, 2023 (meeting materials below). Workgroups updated the policy, and the division presented the draft policy at a July stakeholder meeting.

The improvements will protect public health while assisting water systems with the implementation of the requirements of the rule. Cross connections remain the largest culprit in waterborne disease outbreaks in the United States.



For questions related to Regulation 11 Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control, contact:

Tyson Ingels | tyson.ingels@state.co.us or 303-692-3002