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Final TMDLs with EPA Approval
- COUCEA05a/5b/5c: Eagle River, Copper and Zinc TMDL: Final with approval letter.
- COUCEA7b: Cross Creek, Copper and Zinc TMDL: Final with approval letter.
- COUCBL06: Snake River, source to Dillon Reservoir, pH, Cadmium, Copper, Lead and Zinc TMDLs: Final with approval letter.
- COUCBL07: Peru Creek, source to Snake River, pH, Cadmium, Copper, Lead, Manganese and Zinc TMDLs: Final with approval letter.
- COUCBL12: Illinois Gulch and Fredonia Gulch, Illinois Gulch, Zinc TMDL: Final with approval letter.
- COUCBL12: Illinois Gulch and Fredonia Gulch, Illinois Gulch Cadmium TMDL: Final with approval letter.
- COUCBL18: Straight Creek, Sediment TMDL: Final with approval letter.
- COUCUC06c: Unnamed Tributary to Willow Creek, Ammonia TMDL.