Source water assessment and protection (SWAP)

Find your county's water report, program plan, user's manual, reports narrative, frequently requested information.
Protection phase
Protection planning and template, SWAP toolkit, grants, integrated source water, protection project plan.
Displays the designated drinking water protection areas for public water systems and also provides the ability to view public versions of their source water protection plans.
Wildfire and watershed assessment narrative, resources
Memorandum of Understanding
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and U.S. Forest Service’s Memorandum of Understanding
  • The Forest Service administers over 14.5 million acres of Forest System lands in Colorado, and nearly 90 percent of these lands lie in watersheds that contribute to public water supplies. In addition, more than 70 percent of the surface water source water areas in Colorado include some Forest System lands The surface water flowing through these Forest System lands supply drinking water to approximately 80 percent of the state's population—an estimated 4.5 million people.
  • In 2014 the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and the Rocky Mountain Region of the U.S. Forest Service renewed a Memorandum of Understanding addressing management and protection of source water areas on National Forest System lands in Colorado.
  • The memorandum of understanding outlines strategies in which the U.S. Forest Service and Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment share information coordinate on drinking water protection efforts, identify municipal supply watersheds, work collaboratively to reduce wildfire risk, and collectively understand the locally driven protection planning efforts.
  • United States Forest Service Memorandum of Understanding(opens in new window).
  • County and Public Water System Memorandum of Understanding(opens in new window).
  • As part of the local protection planning efforts, the source water program is supporting memorandums of understanding between the counties and public water providers. The purpose of the memorandum of understanding is to establish a framework for the County and Public Water System to work together in a cooperative manner on issues regarding the management and protection of water quality in the source water protection areas within the county. The memorandum of understanding is designed to “AIM” for source water protection and includes elements of awareness, information sharing, and management strategies.