Manage your EMTS grant award

Grantee responsibilities

The EMTS Funding Program is a cash-match reimbursement grant program.

  • Submit quarterly progress reports until the completion of the project.
  • Provide full payment in local cash for the goods or services before requesting reimbursement from the program.
  • Submit for reimbursement after goods or services are delivered or rendered as described in the project statement of work.
  • Request and get approval for any major changes in the scope of the current award.

Click here for frequently asked questions.


Requesting reimbursement

  • Complete, sign, and print the Standardized Invoice Form. Detailed instructions can be found in the EMTS Grant Management Guide.
  • Attach appropriate supporting documentation:
    • Vendor invoices must show actual project costs
    • Proof of payment - can be a copy of checks, bank registers and receipts.
    • Pictures - required to show the equipment and/or vehicles have been delivered.
  • ​Recommended: Submit an EFT authorization form to receive payment by direct deposit.
  • Submit all four pages of the request form and attachments by email to: andrek.smith@state.co.us.

Reimbursement requests may be delayed or denied if submitted without proper documentation of your purchases.

Quarterly progress reporting

  • Progress reports must be submitted via ZoomGrants by the end of every quarter (Sept. 30, Dec. 31, March 31, June 30).
  • Reports must be filled out using the ZoomGrants account that submitted the grant application. Contact us if you no longer have access to the account.
  • Incomplete or missing progress reports may create reimbursement delays or loss of funding.