The EMS System Sustainability Task Force has completed its phase I & II reports. The reports provide insight into the current landscape of EMS in Colorado and input on ambulance service oversight in Colorado.
Join meeting
Join by phone
Dial: (719) 359-4580
Meeting ID: 879 1637 7525
Passcode: 061860
Upcoming meetings
- March 6, 2025 - 1 p.m.
- April 10, 2025 - 2:30 p.m.
Task force membership
Requirements and appointing authority are defined in Senate Bill 22-225. The following individuals have been appointed to the task force.
Name | Role |
Senator Mark Baisley | Chair |
Representative Kyle Brown | Vice Chair |
Cherilyn Wittler | EMS & Ambulance Service Agency (1 of 4) |
Gina Carr | EMS & Ambulance Service Agency (1 of 4) |
Christopher Williams | EMS & Ambulance Service Agency (1 of 4) |
Scott Van Slyke | EMS & Ambulance Service Agency (1 of 4) |
Jeremy DeWall | Board Certified EMS Physician |
James Robinson | EMS Provider |
Lisa Ward | EMS Provider |
Annie Dorchak | Community Integrated Health-Care Service Agency |
Sean Caffrey | Group Representing EMS Providers |
Eric Hill | Chair of SEMTAC |
Vacant | Group Representing Fire Chiefs |
Matthew Sammond | Group Representing Professional Fire Fighters |
Daniel Barela | Group Representing EMS Educators |
Brandon Daruna | Group Representing Special Districts |
Vacant | Group Representing County Associations |
Mike Freeman | Group Representing County Associations |
Barbara Huber | Group Representing Municipalities |
Elaine McManis | CDPHE Representative |
On June 1, 2022, Governor Polis signed Senate Bill 22-225, the “Ambulance Service Sustainability and State Licensing” bill, into law. The new law creates an EMS System Sustainability Task Force to make statutory, rule and policy recommendations for how to preserve, promote and expand consumer access to emergency medical services in the state, including the development of standards for state licensing of ground ambulances and the preservation of local county authority to contract with and authorize licensed ground ambulances operating in their jurisdictions.
Task force phases
- Phase 1 - Regulatory structure for ambulance service oversight and a report on the state of emergency medical services in Colorado
- Phase 2- Inequity and disparity in access to EMS in Colorado
- Phase 3 - EMS Workforce recruiting & retention
- Phase 4 - Financial sustainability of the statewide EMS system
- Phase 5 - Long-term sustainability of the statewide EMS system