EMTS emergency grants

The emergency grant program assists Colorado EMS and trauma organizations that experience an emergency which seriously jeopardizes the level of EMS or trauma services within their service area. Each fiscal year, $150,000 is set aside for emergency grant funding.

In addition to meeting the standard eligibility requirements of the provider grant program, the applicant must demonstrate that the request is a true emergency and, if grant funds are not awarded, will significantly degrade the quality of, or eliminate access to, local EMS and trauma care.


Required application attachments

The following must be submitted with your grant application:

  • Vendor quotes showing itemized project costs
  • Recently signed W-9 form
  • Balance sheet
  • Income statement
  • Completed pre-award risk assessment questionnaire 
  • Updated organizational profile in OATH
  • Signed funding program grant attestation (signed by authorized agent)

Submit all attachments to andrek.smith@state.co.us.