EMTS organizational profiles

Organizational profile required

Submission of an organizational profile is required to access EMTS services such as trauma designation, grant applications and data submission. Updates to this profile provide the department with up-to-date information about the EMS and trauma organizations operating in Colorado.


Before an organizational profile can be submitted, an organizational profile gatekeeper must be established for each organization. To get started, review the instructions document found on this page. The application for a profile gatekeeper must be requested using the Organizational Profile Gatekeeper Application Request form. After you submit the form, staff will push an application to your OATH account.

The designated profile gatekeeper must apply using their established OATH account or create a new account. Review the instructions document on this page for detailed steps to become the organizational profile gatekeeper for your organization. Once approved, the profile gatekeeper can complete the organizational profile information form in their OATH account.


Profile form submission

The organizational profile generally takes about 10-20 minutes to fill out if all requested information is ready. A new organizational profile information form must be submitted by the gatekeeper if any information changes.

The following information should be gathered before starting the form.

EMS service agencies 
  • Billing rates
  • Count of medical personnel
  • Details about each emergency response vehicle
Trauma facilities
  • Emergency department annual patient volume
  • Key facility contact information for:
    • CEO
    • TNC
    • TMD
Air ambulance services
  • Count of medical personnel
  • Billing rates