Order test supplies


Email cdphe_laborders@state.co.us with questions about test supply orders.

Clinical testing

Public health testing supply order form
The public health testing supply order form is available for use by local public health agencies, epidemiologists, and healthcare professionals.

Water Testing

Private customer water testing bottle order form
This order form is for non-water providers such as well owners, business owners, and realtors who want to test their drinking water. Non-water providers do not follow a water testing compliance schedule or have a public water system identification number (PWSID).

Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Compliance bottle order form
The safe drinking water act compliance bottle order form is for water providers and wastewater companies. 

Newborn screening

Newborn blood spot screening supply order form
The newborn blood spot screening supply order form is for health professionals only. 

Evidential Breath Alcohol Testing (EBAT)

Supply forms for EBAT are used by law enforcement agencies in Colorado.

I-9000 Simulator solution request form

I-9000 disposable mouthpiece ordering information