Newborn hearing screening provider resources

Looking for the Newborn Hearing Database? Look No Further!

Please apply for access to the Health Information Data System's Newborn Hearing Application using the instructions found here.


Update on 2024 Case Imports July 1, 2024

Our database manager, Steven Bromby, has imported cases for babies born in 2024 for infants who "missed" or "did not pass" their hearing screening per their Electronic Birth Certificate record. These are now available in the Production version of the Health Information Data Systems (HIDS) Newborn Hearing application, which providers use for follow-up data entry. Since the former Vital Records system, COVIS, was shut down at the end of 2023, some birth and hearing screening data were not imported due to typical time delays. To account for this, our database manager searched for and imported missing imports from 2023.

It has been a lengthy, time-consuming process to redesign the data flow between the recently launched COVES system in Vital Records and the HIDS NBH application. A huge thanks to our database manager and additional Public Health Informatics staff who helped get this process up and running again! And an additional shout out to our Vital Records staff and especially our Vital Statistics staff for troubleshooting with us to get the data in the correct format for import!

Next Steps for NBH Staff

Providers will still need to request that passed results be imported. The newly established connections will make this process faster than it has been since the January 2024 shift to COVES. Leanne Glenn, Newborn Hearing Screening Coordinator, is still working her way through email requests for manual case imports sent prior to the uploading and processing of the 2024 case backlog. She would like to confirm that all requested case imports (including passes) are in, so thank you for your patience.

Instructions to HIDS NBH database users/Providers

Beta testing of case imports is complete, and providers can begin catching up on the data entry backlog for all 2024 cases to the current date. We recommend that providers use the "All Outstanding" option under their worklists and pull from the data range 9/1/2023 to 7/1/2024. You may wish to pull a month at a time if your facility tends to have a lengthy worklist. For private practice providers, such as audiologists, midwives, and primary care providers, you will need to search for individual cases and "break the glass" for any case not already on your worklist.

Please enter data for the oldest cases first, since some infants born earlier in the year who did not pass their hearing screens are already receiving diagnostic evaluations and early intervention services. We want to ensure that a data entry delay does not affect services received.

Please select the facility that is the "Responsible Agency" on the Client Home page for infants whose care transferred to another provider. Do not select "CDPHE Newborn Hearing Screening Program" as the "Responsible Agency", as this is the category designated for infants not assigned to a specific facility and is mostly homebirths. Incorrect facility selection for infants who transfer care will delay follow-up data entry for that case.

We will be putting out a slightly more detailed communication regarding this information in the June/July HIDS NBH monthly bulletin, but we wanted to communicate this news as soon as we confirmed that cases were ready for provider data entry.

If you're a health care provider performing newborn hearing screening, you can find a variety of helpful forms and resources below:

CIHAC Guidelines

The following guidelines were created by the Colorado Infant Hearing Advisory Committee (CIHAC), which advises the department on issues related to newborn hearing screening in the state of Colorado. These guidelines in no way reflect the views or opinions of CDPHE staff.


HIDS NBH Application User Section 


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