Health eMoms 2020 Survey Data

Description of data

Data collection for the 2020 birth cohort began in April of 2020 with January 2020 births. Of the 2,400 postpartum people who gave birth in 2020 who were invited to join Health eMoms, 1,028 (43%) enrolled and completed Survey 1.1. These survey responses are weighted to represent the full eligible Colorado birth population in 2020. All of the data collection on Survey 1.1 for the 2020 birth cohort occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, and results must be interpreted in that context. 

Survey 1.1

Survey 1.1 COVID-19 Supplement

A COVID-19 supplement was added as an optional part of Survey 1.1 starting with July 2020 births. Out of the 1,200 postpartum people who were invited to answer the additional questions, 438 (37%) completed the supplement. The questions covered how COVID-19 impacted prenatal and postpartum care, COVID-19 precautions, experiences during pregnancy and delivery, breastfeeding, and general occurrences due to the pandemic. 

​Data dictionaries

Survey questions