Resources and community involvement for STIs, HIV, and VH
Community Involvement webpage for the OSHV
- Check out the community calendar, with the dates and times of all community events and engagement opportunities from CDPHE.
STI and HIV testing and treatment locator
- If you are a sexual health provider who is interested in having your clinic included in the locator, submit your information using this survey link.
LGBTQ+ resources for providers and patients
Providers who would like to become a LGBTQ+-friendly/visible provider:
5280 Fast-Track Cities, Metro Denver
HIV PrEP and PEP resources and guidance
Public Health Intervention Program (PHIP)
- The Public Health Intervention Program (PHIP) helps clients pay for PrEP-related care and medications. If you want to join the PHIP provider network, call us at 1-844-367-7075.
Syphilis Review Board interest form
- This review board helps to identify missed opportunities and share best practices. All applications will be reviewed through our internal process
Viral hepatitis
Google folder for the Viral Hepatitis Elimination Coalition
- If you would like to receive more information about how to participate in the VH Elimination Coalition, contact:
- Robert McGoey, Viral Hepatitis Prevention Coordinator
- Email: robert.mcgoey@state.co.us
- Robert McGoey, Viral Hepatitis Prevention Coordinator
Training resources
Youth Sexual Health Resources for Providers
- Clinic resources, policy considerations, and public health curriculum considerations can be found here.
OSHV Capacity-Building and Training
- Developed and shared knowledge and skills related to STIs, HIV, and viral hepatitis
- Adaptive and innovative training and structural capabilities to help strengthen the STI/HIV/VH workforce and continuously enhance its capacity
Advancing Rural Health: Routine Sexual and Substance Use Histories
- CO.Train course to help inform best practices regarding taking routine sexual and substance use histories in rural health care settings
Denver Prevention Training Center
- Nationally recognized for its training, technical assistance and consulting services, the Denver Prevention Training Center (PTC) has been assisting the healthcare workforce since 1979.
- A quality improvement package for adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH)
- Q4T offers goals, strategies, implementation tips, and resources to guide primary care teams in their efforts to improve ASRH clinical services and youth-friendly practices and help prevent unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
STI training
- CDC Capacity Building Training for HIV
- HealthHIV HIV Prevention Certified Provider Certification Program
- Visit the CDPHE Syphilis in Colorado webpage for provider resources
- Job aide for non-clinical providers administering point-of-care rapid syphilis testing
- CDC screening recommendations and screening algorithms
- One-page infographic detailing provider management for gonorrhea
Antibiotic-Resistant Gonorrhea (ARGC)
Viral hepatitis
Health and Human Services training webpage for viral hepatitis
- Find information on vaccination recommendations, hear from other state and local public health peers about policies, funding, and partnerships with syringe service programs, and more!
CDC’s collection of viral hepatitis training resources
- CDC has provided a collection of training resources for viral hepatitis from within CDC and from trusted external training centers.
Hepatitis C
- Hepatitis C Provider Toolkit
- Health HIV’s HCV certificate program
- This online course is self-paced.
Hepatitis B
- Hep B United Philadelphia's and National Nurse-Led Care
- Consortium's Hepatitis B ECHO
- Each ECHO session will include one case discussion and a 15-minute didactic aimed to empower providers to manage hepatitis B.
- Register for upcoming sessions and/or watch previous ECHO sessions from this site.
OSHV Capacity-Building and Training
- Developed and shared knowledge and skills related to STIs, HIV, and viral hepatitis
- Adaptive and innovative training and capacity structures to help strengthen the STI/HIV/VH workforce and continuously enhance its capacity
Training resources from CDPHE’s Office of Public Health Practice, Planning, and Local Partnerships
- Request existing courses offered by the STI/HIV/VH Capacity Building & Training Program.
Mailing list for public health detailing program
- Get information about public health detailing and upcoming events.
SME assistance for health agencies
- Request technical assistance from SMEs in the Office of STI/HIV/VH.
Colorado’s Center of Excellence for Gonorrhea
- Antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea resources
STD Clinical Consultation Network (CCN)
- Suspected treatment failure questions can be directed here.
CDC’s National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention Communication Center
- Subscribe to Connections bi-monthly newsletter
- Find Dear Colleague letters from CDC
- Stay up to date with the latest news and publications regarding HIV, STIs, or viral hepatitis.
CDC’s Preferred Terms for Select Population Groups & Communities
- Dear Colleague letters that are specific to provider specialties such as dermatology, neurology, optometry, pharmacy, etc.
NCSD Policy Success Stories:
Syphilis testing in detention centers: A Partnership Success Story in Colorado