Ready-to-use resources to quickly increase capacity for responding to clusters
STI and HIV testing and treatment locator
- Find health care providers near you that offer testing and/or treatment for STIs and HIV.
- Master list of syringe access programs (SAPs) across Colorado
- SAPs can support patients with sterile equipment, overdose prevention materials, and referrals to support services.
- *Limited* mail-based program by CHN
- This program provides mail-based access to infectious disease and overdose prevention materials in rural western and southern Colorado.
- *Limited* mail-based program by CHN
- SAPs can support patients with sterile equipment, overdose prevention materials, and referrals to support services.
- Naloxone Bulk Purchase Fund Opportunity
- Colorado Senate Bill 19-227 created the Opiate Antagonist - Naloxone Bulk Purchase Fund. It allows eligible entities to purchase opiate antagonists, such as naloxone or Narcan, at low or no cost. Hospitals and any setting with a pharmacy are ineligible for this fund.
- Stoptheclockcolorado.com has a list of pharmacies that carry naloxone.
Points of contact for questions regarding drug user health and harm reduction
Sophie Feffer, Drug User Health Coordinator | Email: sophie.feffer@state.co.us
Haley Klein, Drug User Health Specialist | Email: haley.klein@state.co.us
Condom and Lubricant Request Form for organizations working to prevent the spread of HIV and STIs
- Agencies that intend to receive condoms and lubricants through this program must submit a plan through this form describing the populations they intend to serve.
If you are requesting tests for the first time, or have employees who have not had experience with point-of-care tests, review this job aide for non-clinical providers administering point-of-care rapid syphilis testing prior to requesting tests.
At-home STI/HIV/VH test kits for distribution within your service area using the Imaware Bulk Order Form
- After submitting this form as a health agency, allow up to seven business days for your order to be processed.
HIV only: clients can order their own at-home OraQuick HIV test kits:
Rapid Testing Order form: Free HIV, HCV, and syphilis tests for agencies through the OSHV
- Allow up to seven business days for your order to be processed.
Find more information about the tests that are available through the OSHV request form below:
Syphilis Health Check (SHC) - 10-minute test (syphilis only)
- Syphilis Health Check - One box of 20 tests, requires external controls
- Quick Reference Guide
- Training: Syphilis On-Demand Training - all virtual via pre-recorded video
- SHC FAQ from the California Department of Health
Chembio DPP HIV-Syphilis - 15-minute test (dual HIV 1/2 antibody and syphilis)
- Chembio DPP HIV-Syphilis - One box of 20 tests and requires a digital reader and external controls
- Training: This can be done in person or virtually with Chembio representatives. Additionally, here is a training video on how to administer the test.
DETERMINE™ Alere HIV-1/2 AG/AB COMBO - 20-minute test (HIV 1/2 only "4th gen" test - p24 antigen and 1/2 antibody)
- DETERMINE™ HIV-1/2 Ag/AB Combo - One box of 25 tests, requires external controls
- Training: On-Demand Virtual Video
INSTI HIV-1 / HIV-2 Antibody Test - One-minute tests (HIV 1/2 antibody only)
- INSTI HIV-1 / HIV-2 Antibody Test - One box of 50 tests, individual test kits with lancet, alcohol pad, and most required supplies. Requires external controls.
- Training: On-Demand Virtual Video
OraQuick® In-Home HIV Test - 20-minute test, self-administered oral swab – no blood (HIV 1/2 antibody only), no external controls.
- OraQuick® In-Home HIV Test - "Provider" boxes come in sets of six
- Training: Patient self-administered see: "How to Take the Test"
OraQuick® In-Home HCV Test
- OraQuick® HCV Test
- Training course for the rapid HCV antibody test
Reporting positive tests
Note: All completed confidential report forms should be sent securely to the OSHV via fax (303-782-5393) or email: cdphe_sti_hiv_vhep_diseasereporting@state.co.us.
Gonorrhea - Suspected Tx Failure
- Gonorrhea Center of Excellence clinical management of GC webpage
- Testing supplies, transport, and clinical consultation are available.
Points of contact for questions regarding disease reporting
Population-specific marketing materials
NCSD’s Adolescent Health External Resource Compendium
- An interactive hub filled with a variety of resources for adolescents, young adults, and anyone who works with them.
Included resources cover a number of populations, media types, and key priorities with a focus on resources that promote health equity and center marginalized populations.
IN THE OPEN: YouTube series by the National Coalition for Sexual Health
- In the Open is a person-on-the-street video series asking young adults the tough questions about sex, relationships, rejection, pleasure, and more.
- Clients can use this tool to get information about their risk of getting or transmitting HIV and how they can reduce their risk.
HIV Turn-ons Campaign from Colorado’s Office of STI/HIV/VH
- Stigma-reducing marketing campaign for HIV
CDC’s Let’s Stop HIV Together Campaign
Congenital syphilis marketing
Congenital Syphilis Marketing Campaign, developed by the Office of STI/HIV/VH
- Marketing materials geared toward reducing stigma for individuals in Colorado
- The Show Your Love app helps women navigate their pathway to pregnancy. The app supports women who wish to become pregnant plan their pregnancy and chart their course, offering features to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including:
- Daily tracking of behaviors
- Tips, tools, and resources for healthy behaviors
- Helpful reminders, including appointments, ovulation, and taking medication
Congenital Syphilis Media Campaign Materials from NCSD
CDC’s STI Awareness Week marketing materials
- Clients can learn about STIs and how to prevent them, including instructions on how to correctly use protection.
Patient education materials for chlamydia from the National Chlamydia Coalition
CDC’s Safer Sex Game Plan marketing materials
Gonorrhea - Resources for all Coloradans
- Informational webpage from CDPHE
American Family Physician Gonorrhea informational campaign
- One page of information regarding gonorrhea, how it is transmitted, treated, and resources for more information.
Hepatitis C
CDC’s Know More Hepatitis Campaign for HCV
Hepatitis B
CDC’s Know More Hepatitis Campaign for HBV
Reach out to Natalie Oda, STI/HIV/VH Outbreak Response Coordinator, to request assistance to develop more tailored marketing materials for your service area.
- Email: natalie.oda@state.co.us