The purpose of this CDPHE Request for Applications (RFA) is to solicit applications from clinics, medical providers, community based organizations and other agencies to provide core and support services for people living with HIV. Due to Medicaid expansion and health coverage options in Colorado, it is expected that most medical and behavioral health services will be directly funded by alternative third party payers; therefore, the majority of funding from this RFA is expected to support services that “wrap around” clinical and behavioral services in order to promote or improve access and adherence to HIV care, leading to HIV viral suppression.
GOAL A: Provide Core Services to people living with HIV which includes: Access Adherence Monitoring, Early Intervention Services (HIV Testing and Counseling, Linkage to Care, Outreach and Health Education/Risk Reduction), Health Insurance Premium and Cost Sharing Assistance, Home Health Care, Home and Community-based Health Services, Hospice, Medical Case Management, Medical Nutrition, Mental Health Services, Oral Health Services, Outpatient/ Ambulatory Medical Care, and Substance Abuse Treatment (Outpatient-SBIRT).
GOAL B: Provide Support Services needed to achieve medical outcomes that affect the HIV-related clinical status of persons living with HIV which includes: Non-Medical Case Management, Child Care, Emergency Financial Assistance, Health Education/Risk Reduction (Care Navigation, Treatment Adherence Education), Housing Services, Linguistic Services, Medical Transportation Services, Outreach Services (Recruitment), Other Professional Services, Psychosocial Support Services, Referral Services (Eligibility and Enrollment Assistance), Rehabilitation Services, Respite Care and Substance Abuse Treatment (Residential).
GOAL C: Provide Critical Events (CE) intensive case management for clients that are eligible for CE Assistance.
GOAL D: Provide Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI) short-term intensive Transitional Outreach and Referral Services and advocacy to assist incarcerated minority county inmates living with HIV/AIDS in gaining access to Colorado AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) and other needed services
Application submission deadline:12/21/20
Core and Support Request For Application
Attachment A: | CDPHE RFA Cover Sheet and Signature Page |
Attachment B: | Pre-Award Risk Assessment Questionnaire |
Attachment C: | Disclosure and Documentation of Applicant Legal Organization |
Attachment D: | HIV Core and Support Services Work Plan |
Attachment E: | Budget and Budget Justification Template |
Attachment F: | Core and Support Target Population Description |
Attachment G: | Description of Ryan White Part A, C, D Funding |